Navigation MenuBar Issues

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  • thessalonian
    Private First Class

    • Feb 2011
    • 7

    Navigation MenuBar Issues

    Hi, I am completely new to building a web site. I just received my 21 day salute from VodaHost. Thanks.

    I love Bluevoda, it is so incredibly easy. I have made (I should say "making" as it's not all complete yet), a great Christian resource website for my ministry.

    I have only one issue that keeps recurring. Everytime I go to my site, it seems that two pages in particular keep having problems with the navigation bars. On the "Evangelism" page, it is the vertical side bar. The other page is the Doctrines & Theology page. The horizontal nav bar keeps acting up.

    whats happening is the images are changing. If you click on the button it does take you to where its supposed to, but the image of that button may be the image of another navigation bar button.

    When I encounter this, I re-publish the page or I copy the HTML code from BlueVoda and paste it in the cPanel X code editor, although the code has no differences, but it works (somethimes).

    Does anyone know why this is happening? Can you help me to permanently fix this, please?

    My site is;

    Thank you
  • thessalonian
    Private First Class

    • Feb 2011
    • 7

    Re: Navigation bar issues

    I've discovered that the issue seems to be solely between the "Evangelism" page and the "Doctrine & Theology" page. If I publish the Evangelism page, the pictures of the first four vertical nav bar tabs located on the left side always appear as the last four tabs on the horizontal nav bar on my Doc & Theo page.

    If I publish the Doc & Theo page, the last four tabs of the horizontal menu appear as the first four tabs on the vertical nav bar on the Evangelism page.

    So it seems to be a conflict with these two pages only, and the HTML code reads just fine as far as I can tell.


    • Vasili

      • Mar 2006
      • 14683

      Re: Navigation bar issues

      Originally posted by thessalonian View Post
      Whats happening is the images are changing. If you click on the button it does take you to where its supposed to, but the image of that button may be the image of another navigation bar button.
      Does anyone know why this is happening? Can you help me to permanently fix this, please?
      It is simply that the Menu is formatted differently from page-to-page for one reason or another.

      1. Since you don't have too many pages published as of yet, the simplest 'fix' is to open all your [published] pages in Blue Voda, and starting at your Index page (providing the Menu on the Index page is exactly what you want on all your pages), click once on your Menu to "highlight," then click the COPY Icon in the top toolbar.

      2. Click over to the next page of your site, delete the Menu currently on it, and then click the PASTE icon in the top toolbar. *This pastes the exact same formatted Menu system from your Index page exactly in the precise same position on the page, and this process of deleting and replacing Menus on all your pages is what you need to follow.

      3. Double-check each page to see that your Hyperlink Styles have been properly "inherited" by confirming each setting via FORMAT >> STYLES >> HYPERLINK STYLES. Be sure to examine each 'named' link style individually, and to reset the style attributes with the exact same setting as first configured on your Index page. *You only have to confirm Styles this once, since the pages have already been saved and published with previous Styles configured: you are merely "correcting" them if need be, whereas all "New" pages will inherit a style without any previous settings to potentially conflict with.

      Always start duplication of navigation themes (your Menu system) from the Index page, so subsequent pages "inherit" styles and formatting. If you interrupt the "source" formatting by changing styles mid-stream or by adding new items, this creates a conflict of styles and you will experience continuity loss as you see presently.

      Be sure to SAVE and PUBLISH your "Contact" page as PHP as required (as shown here), otherwise not only will your navigation not 'find' the page, but your FORM will not function. It is currently shown in Navigation as >> and should be >>

      Not wanting to complicate things for you, but if you have plans for your site to have a lot of pages and opportunity to expand your Content and need your Navigation to expand in pace, you may wish to consider using the convenience of a Menu System that you can change globally (make changes once to a single Menu and have it changed on all pages universally) by using the Single Menu Page with Bv and PHP method.
      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
      * Success Is Potential Realized *


      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: Navigation bar issues

        You need to also reduce the image in the link below as it is really slowing your page down at 850kb. Needs to be closer to 30kb.
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting,

        House build project


        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: Navigation bar issues

          I suppose re-formatting your image file size is a good idea also to implement in the same session you update your Navigation, and can be done simply by opening your image file in your photo editor and resaving it, possibly with a more complimentary Title (using properly Titled images adds to Search Engine values). If you don't have an easy to use photo editor already, you should consider downloading PixResizer free from VodaHost >>

          Pix Resizer Free optimizer for your websites photos and images - A Must Have!
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • thessalonian
            Private First Class

            • Feb 2011
            • 7

            Re: Navigation bar issues

            Hey Vasili, thank you very much for your response. I will get on that as quick as I can. I am not so literate when it comes to all of this, so I don't know how to make that single menu page thing, but I will search some video tutorials and find out. It sounds like something I would really want to consider as I do plan on having a lot of pages.

            Also, thanks for the suggestion to re-size my image.... I do have pix-resizer and have used it for some of the images.

            Thanks again for your help and suggestions.


            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: Navigation bar issues

              Originally posted by thessalonian View Post
              Hey Vasili, thank you very much for your response. I will get on that as quick as I can. I am not so literate when it comes to all of this, so I don't know how to make that single menu page thing, but I will search some video tutorials and find out. It sounds like something I would really want to consider as I do plan on having a lot of pages.
              If you simply focus and intelligently follow with clear purpose the Outlines, Instructions, Threads, and Tutorials that have been suggested and can be found in these Forums in a careful step-by-step manner, you will be fine, and will have ample reason to be proud of your accomplishments and predictable progress!

              "Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan!"
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *

