Using Sub-Directories Properly

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  • pink_eeyore
    First Lieutenant

    • Nov 2008
    • 195

    Using Sub-Directories Properly

    I would like to clean up my site and create subdirectories to make it easier in the future as well as make the URL cleaner and more search friendly while I’m giving the entire site a facelift.

    Question 1: if for example I make a subfolder called xxxx, would the file be saved as “index” so URL will look like or do I need to name it so it would look like

    I have seen many professional businesses use this method – I think that’s what they do. When I search their pages, not one page returns a .html or .php extension, just the subdirectories i.e. www.domain/xxxx/xxx/xx, there is no actual page name such as www.domain/xx.php. When I enter index.html or index.php after the subdirectory, the result returns a true i.e. www.domain/xxxx/xxx/xx/index.php isn’t returning an error page instead, it returns www.domain/xxxx/xxx/xx hence my prior assumption.

    Question 2: by creating subdirectories in this fashion, does having index files for each subfolder reduce ranking or confuse SEs? The subdirectories will be keywords themselves as well as having regular pages in each sub with an html or php extension.

    I realize that I will need to create 301 redirects on the .htaccess file for all the old pages to the new ones.

    Thank you,
    Mr. Big Paw
    Somewhere in the CO mountains
    Big Paw Services
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: linking subdirectories

    For all intents and purposes, it is probably better to give you an actual example for you to see, so you can understand plainly:

    I actually have an Add-On Domain website that consists of 24 separate sub-sites in order to accomplish what is required (still being developed, but online to serve as examples herein) .... with 24 individual "City" sites, each of which are sites unto themselves for both Visitor Traffic being kept unique and easily recognized, and for separate SEO purposes (as the SE's need to distinguish each City's unique listings individually for site search and overall WWW access).

    Take the TAMPA "sub-directory" (not sub-domain) site for example ..... the link to the index page can be reached from either the Main Luxury site, or directly as and each page within the TAMPA site similarly:

    For illustrative purposes only (I do not have such an extended site), say I wanted to install a forum on the TAMPA City Sub-site ... in Fantastico I would name it "forum" and allow the 'directory' to be auto-created upon the Add-On Domain defined as: and the URL to the forum's index page would look like
    Say instead of a forum, the sub-of-the-sub was another specific area named "advertisers" with a page within this new sub-directory called "client-roster" then the same formatting and link creation would appear as and the same Publishing Rules would apply when adding pages to this new directory also (below).
    *Creating sub-domains or sub-directories two or more deep upon a Domain will thwart any real substantiative returns from the SE's, and may actually prove to create a negatively prejudiced view upon the Domain itself ... especially if it is an Add-On domain in a single hosting account. You can have multiple lateral sub-directories upon a Domain without a problem (i.e.;;, etc.) but adding "layers"/depth of directories still causes serious issues (i.e.;;, etc.). These are the facts currently, even though assertions have been made to the contrary: using a sub-directory should never replace the logic of simply adding a page to the site, since they are originally intended to add "functions" (stand-alone utilities or differently coded foundations), not just establish another distinct "area" of a website.

    Since is an Add-On to my account, I need to enter things when Publishing each page (rather than leave the public_html/ field blank) following the normal method as outlined in this post, and needs to be entered in the BlueVoda Publish Dialog, in this example as such:
    A. to the Main site: public_html/
    B. to any sub-directory (sub-domain) sites: public_html/ .... < don't forget the slash ("/") at end
    C. additional sub-directories upon the Sub: public_html/< don't forget the slash ("/") at end

    1. Each sub-directory is basically a full site, and requires its own index page like any other.
    2. Each will also need to be published with the proper path defined in the BV Publish Dialog.
    3. Links to each interior page needs to have the full path defined as well, using the same methods that any other non-sub website requires. This includes links to the index page of the sub not requiring any "index.html" but only the defaulted URL as show above (
    4. Using sub-directories in this manner allows full SEO valuations and methods to be implemented, and functions including Site Search to be effective as well in a manner more closely related to the Domain than as a sub-domain is capable (by mere structure, being a "part" of the domain's local site structure rather than a distinct separation). You must follow all the Rules accordingly, and should not attempt to over-compensate methods thinking they need added emphasis.
    5. Search Engines attribute SERP values upon destination pages only by analyzing contrasts to any previously cached versions, and do not "migrate" values according to domain structure or navigation.
    6. Using 301's rather than "over-writing" pages or deleting a previous site altogether will eventually create an instance of duplicated content for the SE's to sanction, as a 301 is a temporary measure to be used only when migrating sites (Google considers a sub-domain a separate site, not sub-directories - which are part of another site), not falsely attempting to preserve any valuations earned on an earlier ranked site for an extended period or indefinitely. The SEs can tell when they are being made to jump through hoops, as in this case to a sub-directory rather than an organic domain. Sub's need to maintain their distinction (by having their own index, KW, etc.) in order to not provide a gap of credible construct first, and then they need to demonstrate normal SEO development in order to have solid metric values attributed.

    Sub-directories and sub-domains will always return lesser values than a domain-oriented website even though they create singular values as a sub-directory independently, but if they are developed using sound optimization methods, they still will contribute greatly to the overall values (and especially relevancy) attributed to the 'Main' domain directory in which they reside and thus benefit from symbiotic SEO efforts as a degree of compensation. The SE's ability to determine between an established domain and a sub-domain and sub-directory cannot be minimized, and thus the ineffectual and unjustifiable use of 301 redirects as you propose actually creates more risks that are easily avoidable (from a site to a sub-directory rather than to another singular domain or a sub-domain).

    Again .... don't over-think or try to be too clever. Develop your sites with total transparancy, for the SEs will always discover things for what they are. Stick to reliance on PREVIEW and simply not publishing until ready (save each site version in a sub-folder in BV, if need be): even if you use the exact same Content, H-META formatting, KW, etc., the SE's will recognize the construct (actual page code) as "new" and different than previously cached, and re-assign values ... there is no way around it!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • pink_eeyore
      First Lieutenant

      • Nov 2008
      • 195

      Re: linking subdirectories

      So if I want to create 4 cities, I will essentially have 5 websites: - the main landing page - city1 will have it's own index page - city2 will have it's own index page - city3 will have it's own index page - city4 will have it's own index page

      Each subdirectory will have the path for

      Up to here I understand it and have implemented a test to verify the name saving and linking. All is good. it was a simple test, I deleted the files now so not to confuse SEs.

      even if you use the exact same Content, H-META formatting, KW, etc., the SE's will recognize the construct (actual page code) as "new" and different than previously cached, and re-assign values
      I'm confused, the construct will be different, that I understand, but the content will be exactly the same.
      Question 1: the actual page, service1.php will be duplicated 5 times, once for each city and once for the main landing page. How do I avoid penalty for duplicate content? Do I use the rel conical element/tag?

      The goal is to have the site easier to navigate, look more professional, seem larger then it is, and basically will make branching out to different geographical locations with different services or pricing easier.

      as far as the 301 redirect, I meant that because I thought about changing the actual page names from to Now I'm thinking it will make better sense to have it or or or (Training itself will have 5 pages, one for basic, advanced, puppy, philosophy, and behavioral issues). I have a huge dry eraser board to make sure I have each subdirectory and pages all in the proper order:)

      Which of the above is more appropriate? You mentioned up to 2 directories I realize I might be getting carried away, but better to work hard the first time and cover all the potential future ifs or oh **** I forgot something.

      And I will not be publishing anything until everything is 100% completed. I will make 5 templates each with the proper menubar and footer links before I start this undertaking. And yes, internal links will also be properly changed. I have that reminder written up on top in red! :)

      Thanks again for all the input. It makes it easier to understand and reference back to it when it's written. Keep rocking V!!!
      Mr. Big Paw
      Somewhere in the CO mountains
      Big Paw Services


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: linking subdirectories


        Originally posted by pink_eeyore View Post
        So if I want to create 4 cities, I will essentially have 5 websites: - the main landing page - city1 will have it's own index page - city2 will have it's own index page - city3 will have it's own index page - city4 will have it's own index page
        But you're still better off creating sub-domains rather than sub-directories. Re-read things a few times again .... SEO-wise, sub-domains will fare better, even if the navigation looks odd to some people (
        However, again, with sub-domains you have a more pronounced risk of each site being analyzed with "duplicated Content" because by nature they are separate sites in the eyes of the SE's unlike a sub-directory which is seen as part (or section) of the Main domain site, and thus sub-domains must therefore have clearly differentiated Content with at least 80-85% being singularly uinique ....

        Originally posted by pink_eeyore View Post
        Each subdirectory will have the path for
        NO, I never showed an example anything like that, and went to lengths to state how to avoid "layering" sub-directories .... simply add pages within a single sub-directory, even if it means numbering similarly named pages: and so on. and so on. See below expansion of this example.

        Originally posted by pink_eeyore View Post
        I'm confused, the construct will be different, that I understand, but the content will be exactly the same.
        Question 1: the actual page, service1.php will be duplicated 5 times, once for each city and once for the main landing page. How do I avoid penalty for duplicate content? Do I use the rel conical element/tag?
        The goal is to have the site easier to navigate, look more professional, seem larger then it is, and basically will make branching out to different geographical locations with different services or pricing easier.
        The use of advanced META Tags is effective on sub-domains, not sub-directories, as on sub-directories they add a confusing and forcefully redundant variable to the overall SEO formatting of the Domain.

        You will have to decide which format is easier for you to manage, achieves the results you want, or is easier to sustainably promote (esp. navigation) to your market.
        As I personally discussed with you earlier, a sub-directory makes more sense (Hint: That's the route I took) only if a significant percentage of your Content is unique and contributing to the overall site's values. For me, each city's different local listings constitute 90% unique Content for each City site, so there was no question that I was adding significantly to the overall site value. You might need to re-think the cookie-cutter approach (convenience) and truly "personalize" each layout with specially prepared Content to make things work. You are only talking about a handful of sites, so it is not that big of a one-time deal ..... I have 24 from square one with more coming, so I was literally "saved" by the fact each city had such different listings, and thus I had totally unique Content! Since you are building relevancy in sub-directories by "City" if you re-name images and add ALT Text on a page-specific basis and customize Content a bit you might be able to be in an acceptable 50-70% range, since it is a sub-directory that projects its own relevancy ("Boulder" and "Denver" for example) as opposed to 2 sites contrasting.

        Marketing a sub-directory site is simple (you see it everywhere, as in and even in my site as and follows a more organic, conventional reasoning. Creating unique traffic to the sub-directory also helps to advance any earned Metrics, and often results in obvious elevations by the SE's as they rank WWW relevancy. Marketing should be approached normally and with confidence also, knowing that all traffic helps your Brand overall, as the SE's produce individual page results according to each search querry. Thus, sub-directories stand a greater chance of presenting and converting to unique traffic simply by having a perponderance of pages that demonstrate greater relevance (if properly optimized).

        Originally posted by pink_eeyore View Post
        as far as the 301 redirect, I meant that because I thought about changing the actual page names from to Now I'm thinking it will make better sense to have it or or or (Training itself will have 5 pages, one for basic, advanced, puppy, philosophy, and behavioral issues). I have a huge dry eraser board to make sure I have each subdirectory and pages all in the proper order:)
        Do not use a 301 unless directed to an independent Domain or a properly configured sub-domain. Period.

        A sub-directory will contribute SEO value to and derive beneficial value from the Main Domain thus earning Contextual SERP since it is a part of the domain (the directory resides within the Main Directory).

        Google treats sub-domains as totally separate websites, earning individual SERP, yet the sub-domain navigation structure is not Visitor-friendly and SEO must be strictly applied upon Content that needs to adhere to the 80% unique Content Rule.

        Originally posted by pink_eeyore View Post
        Which of the above is more appropriate? You mentioned up to 2 directories I realize I might be getting carried away, but better to work hard the first time and cover all the potential future ifs !
        Originally posted by Vasili View Post
        *Creating sub-domains or sub-directories two or more deep upon a Domain will thwart any real substantiative returns from the SE's, and may actually prove to create a negatively prejudiced view upon the Domain itself ... especially if it is an Add-On domain in a single hosting account. You can have multiple lateral sub-directories upon a Domain without a problem (i.e.;;, etc.) but adding "layers"/depth of directories still causes serious issues (i.e.;;, etc.).

        This makes more sense/is more proper for sub-directory "section" expansion and even contributes to SEO values: ..(the intro, or "landing" page to the "category" or section) .(if needed as a second page, for example, etc.) ... and so on.

        Use pages instead of additional directories to differentiate the next "category" or section: ..(the intro, or "landing" page to the "category" or section) ... and so on.

        This is all about using normal, common, logical page structure to create highly developed relevance and value to the sub-directory within itself and to the Domain for site search and overall SEO, as in truth, it is one "site" with distinct sections (in contrast to a sub-domain).
        This logic should be similarly developed for each sub-directory to produce the proper results: ... (and however many other category/sections required) ... and so on.

        Originally posted by pink_eeyore View Post
        And I will not be publishing anything until everything is 100% completed. I will make 5 templates each with the proper menubar and footer links before I start this undertaking. And yes, internal links will also be properly changed. I have that reminder written up on top in red! :) GOOD
        Thanks again for all the input. It makes it easier to understand and reference back to it when it's written. Keep rocking V!!!
        Ha! I'll send you an Invoice!
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *

