Menu bar has changed on its own

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  • Lavishlegs

    • Jul 2011
    • 2

    Menu bar has changed on its own

    I have built and pulblished a site for my wife, and until recently was very happy with it, now having been published for nearly a week the menu bar has developed issues. Some titles appear twice on the published site but not in the pre published site or in preview. I have checked all of the links and the labels on the links before publishing. please help us,
  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: Menu bar has changed on its own

    Most probably you have created your site pages using the "Save As" comans and saving one page with a new name, then you modified the menu in one of the pages.

    When you use the Save as, the menu images have the same name for all buttons (buttons, when published, are images). So if you change the menu in one page, it affects the other pages as well.


    For each of the problematic (online) pages, CUT the menu then paste it back using the top toolbar "Paste" icon.

    Save, publish the page, and refresh yor browser to test.
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