html boxes and links

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  • Kaly

    • Feb 2010
    • 15

    html boxes and links

    I have several pages I am working on in my website and they have products in them with links that go to other pages. My question is, how come when I put a html code link into the html boxes one at a time, they don't line up the way I want them to? I put each html box next to each other but they always end up all over the page. I am pretty sure I am missing something in my code, but I can't figure it out. I am not a html person, so it is aggreviating me. I even have tried to put each link into one box, but it only makes it go in a row down, and I want it like so many down and so many across. I hope I am explaining this right. I cannot pot the page because I have not published it yet. I want to get it right first.
    Thanks in advance,
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: html boxes and links

    You most likely formatted the text link improperly, or incompletely ... tips on formatting Affiliate Links:
    This Thread>
    Post >

    Adding html, flash, movies, music, and java code to your web pages
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • belohorizonte

      • Sep 2011
      • 23

      Where to add reciprocal link URL in my page?

      I must add a link like this in my page (example): <a href="">Alma Public Directory</a>
      I added at the end of body (HTMl page) but the directory didn't see anything.
      1) Where to add it: start of the page, between head tag, inside body tag, beginning of body or end of page
      2) When I put this kind of link, something will appear in my page or not?

      Thank you in advance,



      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: html boxes and links

        Originally posted by belohorizonte View Post
        I must add a link like this in my page (example): <a onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Outgoing', '', '/']);" rel="nofollow" href="">Alma Public Directory</a>
        I added at the end of body (HTMl page) but the directory didn't see anything.
        1) Where to add it?

        Adding HTML links as you describe to a BlueVoda page is done using a BV HTML Box, not by the normally expected Coding of Page HTML (most Webmasters code pages rather than use a web builder such as Blue Voda which generates HTML for you).

        You must add the reciprocal link via a BlueVoda HTML Box just as described above links to Tips:

        Originally posted by Vasili View Post
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • Kaly

          • Feb 2010
          • 15

          Re: html boxes and links

          Thank you for your help! You was right. I had just forgot to add a simple peice of code to the end of each html line to make it line up right. It is working good now. Thank you again! Kaly


          • Kaly

            • Feb 2010
            • 15

            menu bar and other links

            I have made a menu bar for my website using the instructions for using a html box. I understand how to do that, and add it to my page. My question is when I publish the page and I have other links below where the nav bar is (which is my html box with the code in it), how come the links below don't work when the nav bar is brought to the front. I need the bar to be at the front so when people put their cursor on it, the links that drop down can be seen and clicked on too. I know it is something simple, but I cannot figure it out. Can someone please let me know what I am doing wrong? My website is I am still working on my redo on it, so I want to make sure I get this right for the rest of the pages too.


            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: menu bar and other links

              Make sure your BV HTML Box is properly sized to fit without overlapping any other element, and to always use the COPY + PASTE method or the CLONE method when duplicating pages due to the new way BV12 code "orders" elements on the pages.

              Reference This Post
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • Kaly

                • Feb 2010
                • 15

                Re: menu bar and other links

                Thank you, but I have made the HTML boxes the same size as the bar and the size it needs to be for the space. I always use the copy+paste method too. The main page on the front has some images with links scrolling across that should stop when you place your cursor on any of them and each one has a link, but whenever I try to stop one and click on the link it don't work. If I put the HTML bar layered behind the links they work fine. All my pages do this unless I put an individual bar in place of an HTML bar. I have had it working before in other websites, but for some reason it does not want to work for me. I hate to have to put individual bars on each page. Thanks, Kaly


                • Kaly

                  • Feb 2010
                  • 15

                  Re: html boxes and links

                  The links are in the scrolling pictures that go to stores at and one is the google+ button, and a facebook button. I can get the facebook button to work if I put my cursor all the way over to the right on the link, and the twitter button if I go all the way to the right. The rest of the links don't work until the donate button, and the banners below them. I also have the book link for "The secrets to promoting your website online" that you can only click on it if you place the cursor way over to the right. It is almost like the nav bar at the top is covering the links, but I don't see it covering it when I work on it.

                  If you go to the nav bar and go to the link that says "purple page directory" then go down to websites and click on that I had to make the nav go behind the links there for them to work.


                  • Vasili

                    • Mar 2006
                    • 14683

                    Re: html boxes and links

                    Is you page set to be "Centered in browser horizontally"? The FB Like button extends for 2 inches to the right, which may be throwing the page back to default flush-left position, and which may also interfere with navigation ...

                    If the scrolling does not 'pause' or the links not 'work' it is likely the code for the script has not been completely copied and pasted into your BV HTML Box, or that you did not "customize" the script properly in the first place.
                    *You can substitute the script they provide (if it is simply faulty) by capturing the images being used and using a scrolling script of your own with the same "pause" and "image navigation" properties/options (find one here, perhaps) and insert the images and manually link them to the desired pages.

                    And, lastly, it may simply be ongoing issues with BV12 .... you may need to consider reverting back to an earlier version that does not have such "page ordering" and "layer" issues due to the coding of the page itself.

                    I have provided personal a copy of for you to use below, if you do not wish to
                    follow the link at the bottom of the 404 page and be emailed directly from VodaHost a copy of BV11.4 ... you should, in fact, request such, as it will be an official distribution whereas the one below is not.

                    * Be sure to note that if your IP is not listed in the Publish Dialog of either BV11.4 or BVsv2, you will in fact have to use BV12 and work-around the issues that the new WC3 coding presents with regard to "page order" and "positioning" of elements scripted (such as Lightbox, dynamic Menus, etc.). Remember also, to always SAVE each copy of BV into a new folder to keep them separate and re-usable if necessary, and to then "copy" the zip file onto your Desktop to extract, run Setup, and install.
                    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                    * Success Is Potential Realized *


                    • Kaly

                      • Feb 2010
                      • 15

                      Re: html boxes and links

                      Thank you. I think I figured something out...I went onto another computer and checked the site with Internet Explorer and the links are working fine there. My computer has firefox and I think it may have something to do with that. It works just like I want it to in internet explorer.


                      • Vasili

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 14683

                        Re: html boxes and links

                        Every browser has different coding, and performs individually, which is why it should be common practice for you to "proof" your site designs using multiple browsers for a more "uiniversal" display.

                        Chrome, Opera, IE-9, Slimbrowser, and Firefox (in that order) should be your browsers of choice.
                        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                        * Success Is Potential Realized *


                        • Kaly

                          • Feb 2010
                          • 15

                          Re: html boxes and links

                          Ok thanks. I guess I need to go and download the ones I have so I can "proof" my site and make sure it works with all of those. I guess I was taking it for granted that my website would work in every browser the same. Ok thanks for all your help. I am off to try and download the ones I don't have.


                          • Kaly

                            • Feb 2010
                            • 15

                            Re: html boxes and links

                            I tried to revert back to BV11, but that really messed me up. I decided to just go ahead and add the menu bar to each page instead of having it as html and a menu page. It seems to work better in all browsers that way for me. Now the problem I am having is when I copy and past the menu bar onto a page then I publish it and view it, the first link is missing on each page. The first link is a button that says "home" on it to get back to the main page. I haven't fixed all the pages yet, but so far its not working on the page: and for the life of me I can't figure out what I did. I want to fix this page before I go onto the rest of them and have to fix all of them. Thank, Kaly

