Textart link problem

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  • mmyplace
    Sergeant Major

    • Dec 2006
    • 97

    Textart link problem

    Hi, I just published a new homepage, and everything is working fine, as far as I can tell. EXCEPT, I decided to put in two Textart words specifically "Beachhouse" and "Mountains" . They are located under the navigation bar, and written in gold colors. The problem is, I filled them out to be links to the appropriate pages, but they don't seem to be working in the slightest. Help? thanks! my website is: http://maravillamountain.com
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Textart link problem

    You cannot hyperlink TextArt objects, as being imported objects onto your Bluevoda page, they do not have the attributes required to properly hyperlink (the same way you cannot hyperlink a BlueVoda LogoMaker image).

    Instead, lay over the TextArt 'images' a transparent BV Shape (verify "Order" of Shape being uppermost Top layer over the images), and hyperlink that Shape: you can (and should) also "optimize" this linked Shape by adding ALT TEXT, which can be read by both the Search Engines and by visitors as they mouseover the Link (Shape).
    An Example of this method that you should "test-click" to see how it works can be seen on this page as over the entire Top Header of the page, as for all pages it is standard practice to provide alternative navigation that can be easily read by the SEs and Visitors using any device.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • mmyplace
      Sergeant Major

      • Dec 2006
      • 97

      ok, thank you, I am going to try this. I just thought that, because Textart had a "link" section, that it should be linkable...is it'used for something else?

      ok, so, I did as you suggested, although I haven't tested it yet. my question is, I am doing a mouseover, I put the text in the text area, (even though the shape is transparent)...I don't know how to get my mouseover to refer back to that specific text. I see the choices, but I don't know how to put them together for the desired effect. Until I hear from you, I'll be experimenting.!

      Ok, I see the place for alternate text, so I figured that out - don't know how I missed it. My problem now is that it still is not showing up (in preview, anyway). I moved the layer "to the front". Is there something else I should do to ensure that it is the top layer?

      now it is published, but I'm getting no love....help?!



      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Textart link problem

        1. You have placed two transparent Shapes on your page, one over the Beachfront Dining image and the other over the Common Area Dining image, and they each have properly entered ALT TEXT that displays during mouseover, but for both you have attempted to enter a hyperlink but have not properly completed either of them: each simply has the hyperlink for the "index" page ("http://www.maravillamountain.com/#") due to the default bookmark ("#") being automatically entered because you did not enter a hyperlink to a different page .... you can see this by looking down in the lower-left hand of your browser screen during mouseover, as all links are similarly displayed.

        2. You should complete your original request for assistance by creating similar transparent Shapes over the TextArt, entering ALT TEXT on the Shapes that are Visitor-Friendly (such as for the "Beachfront" TextArt - "Click To View Beachfront Villa" and for the "Mountain" TextArt - "Click To View Mountain Villa") and then hyperlinking them to those specific pages (the transparent Shape over "Beachfront" TextArt should have the "http://maravillamountain.com/beach_vacation.html" hyperlink entered, and the transparent Shape over the "Mountain" TextArt should have the "http://maravillamountain.com/the_cottage.html" hyperlink (or WHATEVER page you wish to deliver Visitors to) so that each under-laying TextArt image can fully act as a Navigational tool in tandem with the transparent Shape!

        3. Go back to the transparent Shapes over the Images and properly complete the hyperlinking to an actual page.

        4. Do not forget to FIRST create a Hyperlink Style before formally hyperlinking anything! This is done easily in the Hyperlink Dialog Box by selecting/adding a Style in the last drop-down selection menu.

        These are very basic Hyperlinking Skills, and if you are having such difficulty maintaining the logic of the method, you might do well to review Tutorial #12.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • Vasili

          • Mar 2006
          • 14683

          Re: Textart link problem


          On top of the issues regarding the linking of your "TextArt" you have serious issues with the rest of your Navigation site-wide! See for yourself --- try clicking on the "Home" link from this page >

          Some things to keep in mind:

          1. The proper default way to link to your "Home" page (actually your"index" page) is simply by using your default Domain URL without any page extension: should be www.MaravillaMountain.com and not www.MaravillaMountain.com/index.html
          Your site currently has on every page erroneously entered as a menu item www.MaravillaMountain.com/index.html (which is dysfunctional and clarified in #2 below), meaning you will need to "update" each and every page in the website with the correct link for your "Home" page as simply www.MaravillaMountain.com

          2. Because you have a FORM on your "index" page (in your Navigation it is your "HOME" page), the actual page extension is ".php" and not the normal page extension ".html" ...... Because you have entered in your menu your Home" link as www.MaravillaMountain.comn/index.html this is why if you click on any current "Home" link on your pages you instead get your Error page: the page extension, while not being necessary at all, has the improper ".html" extension instead of the correct ".php" extension.
          On ALL your navigation on all pages throughout the site to link to the "Home" page it is simply as updating the pages (requires republishing each of them) with the correct www.MaravillaMountain.com URL only, as this helps to bypass any real need for using a page name and extension type altogether.
          Don't feel bad ... the Tutorial is wrong to show the "index" page needs to be added as a "Home" hyperlink. This is what happens when people that have no grasp on the actual content create tutorials that are technical in nature!

          Keep these required change updates in mind when updating your page we have been working on above.
          The simplest way is to make corrections to the Menu on your "index" page and then COPY+PASTE the Menu across all the pages and just re-publish them.
          . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
          * Success Is Potential Realized *


          • mmyplace
            Sergeant Major

            • Dec 2006
            • 97

            Re: Textart link problem

            hi, thanks for all the info and time you took on this. As far as the shapes over the textart areas, they are marked with the correct URLS at this point, but are still not showing up as links. One thing I haven't gotten in any of my properties boxes for this, is any kind of menu for style. I did see it in the tutorial, but it's not showing up for me. maybe that is what is holding this up? I have done many links on my pages over the years and have not have problems, but it's true that right now my site is disorganized, since I am eliminating some pages, etc. I am going to get on this tomorrow first thing and correct the homepage links also. Hopefully, at some point here, the textart links will work, but I do need to know where to find that style selection. Is it possible that my version of bluevoda is outdated? I thought I had just checked that. I'm hoping this thread won't be closed until I can resolve this? thanks again, I'll be back soon.


            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: Textart link problem

              We have come quite far from your original Issue as posted ....

              About HYPERLINK STYLES:

              And .... about the rest:

              1. Open the PUBLISH Dialog and physically write down the Server IP that you are publishing to and that is associated with your Hosting Account.

              2. DO NOT DELETE your current installation of BlueVoda -- ever!!

              3. Download BlueVoda in this most current version to your Desktop as instructed.

              4. Open the downloaded BlueVoda file, and install BlueVoda over your current installation .... thus, preserving you page files and elements used earlier.

              5. Use this new version of BlueVoda and the fresh installation to begin your site updating, so that each of your pages will reflect the cleaner, more optimal coding that will be created, and to maintain total continuity between your "refreshed" pages.

              6. Pay careful and meticulous attention to the details required to assure your website will be predictably functional and feature-laden. Do not rush or attempt to skip Steps - it will not only prove fruitless, but repairing any such ill-advised efforts will take much longer than simply doing things right the first time.

              7. If necessary, re-review the Tutorials in the order they are presented, as you keep mentioning additional details of your common methodology that suggest there are missing elements in your skillset.

              There is nothing more anyone can do for you --- the proper methods have been repeatedly mentioned and the details of your compounded issues exposed. It is up to you now to make the minimal efforts to apply the methods, skills, and advisements to your best benefit.

              Good Luck!
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *

