How soon to web, "index," hyperlinks to FTP'd docs

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  • jimchicago

    • Aug 2006
    • 307

    How soon to web, "index," hyperlinks to FTP'd docs

    Hi, I have a few questions about publishing my .bvp web pages. My domain is and my welcome e-mail says I am on the voda 9 server.

    1) On Tue 8/22 I "successfully published" (per BlueVoda) the first 4 pages of my site. But I didn't point the domain to my primary and secondary Vodahost name servers until about an hour ago. Now that I've done that, when shoudl I expect to see these pages "live" on the web?

    2) I see in other posts that I have to name my home page "index." Does that mean I should go to Page Properties for that page and type "index" in the space where you give the page its Title? Or does it mean the .bvp file for my home page should be named "index.bvp"? Or something else?

    3) If I may throw in a question that's a bit outside the topic of this forum: How do I create a hyperlink that will take the user to a document I've put on my FTP server?

  • KP123
    Master Sergeant

    • Jul 2006
    • 69

    Re: How soon to web, "index," hyperlinks to FTP'd docs


    It will take a few hours until your website is on the VH servers.

    You have to have the page saved as index.bvp You can name the page what you want.

    To make a hyperlink, click on the item that will the link button/text and then click on the hyperlink button at the top - it is an icon with a globe and chain links. Then type in your url with the file after it. There is a good tutorial on this too.

    If I am wrong on this - please can someone correct me!!!


    • jimchicago

      • Aug 2006
      • 307

      Re: How soon to web, "index," hyperlinks to FTP'd docs

      Thanks for those answers. A couple more, related questions:

      1) Will my home page not appear on the web UNTIL the file is saved as "index.bvp"?

      2) Re the the hyperlink: When you say, "type in your url with the file after it," how do I know the URL of a particular document I've saved on the FTP server?


      • KP123
        Master Sergeant

        • Jul 2006
        • 69

        Re: How soon to web, "index," hyperlinks to FTP'd docs

        Correct, must be saved as index.bvp Just open the page and click save as and rename and publish it and you will be fine.

        It will always by your domain name, e.g.

        So substitute your domain name with your domain and enter the file, eg, contact_us. If you use the browse button it will take you to the file where your pages are saved and you can click on it, just remember to add the

        does that make sense???


        • jimchicago

          • Aug 2006
          • 307

          Re: How soon to web, "index," hyperlinks to FTP'd docs

          OK, I just renamed it "index.bvp" and got the dialog box saying that I published it successfully. Would that have overwritten the home page that I published a couple of days ago with a different file name?

          Now, to confirm what you're saying about the URL of a file I saved to the FTP server: If my domain is, and the FTP'd document is named bizplan2006.pdf, then the URL I should type in to create the hyperlink would be:

          Is that right? Or does the URL have to end in .bvp?


          • lovethatbluegrassmusic

            • Jul 2006
            • 495

            Re: How soon to web, "index," hyperlinks to FTP'd docs

            when you save your page in bluevoda, it saves as a .bvp extention.
            You may then publish the page using the publish icon on the left bar,
            (globe)with arrow, the page then becomes .html on the server.

            Using ftp can be a bit more complex if the extention of the file is other
            than html.
            Brad Arnold.......

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            • jimchicago

              • Aug 2006
              • 307

              Re: How soon to web, "index," hyperlinks to FTP'd docs

              Thanks, Brad, but I need a more direct answer to my question of what KP123 was saying about the URL of a file I saved to the FTP server: If my domain is, and the FTP'd document is named bizplan2006.pdf, then the URL I should type in to create the hyperlink would be:

              Is that right? Or does the URL have to end in .bvp?

