I have recently re made my site and links and want to unpublish one of my old pages? Is this passable or do I just not link anything to it and let it ride out forever in cyber space ha ha ha
want to unpublish one of my old pages?
want to unpublish one of my old pages?
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Re: want to unpublish one of my old pages?
Hi Eric,
No-one will see the old page, if you don't provide a link to the page, even if it remains on your BV server.
If you really want to delete it go Tools>Ftp Manager, sign in, connect and delete the page from the list on the rh side.
Or you can go to your control Panel, sign in, choose File manager, and then open your public_html folder. The page will be there. Click the page, and it jumps up to the right hand side. Choose delete, and then empty trash.
Have fun