G'day guys,
I'm new at this, I'm having issues attempting to publish my web-site and the last suggestion from the help-desk is that I highlight navigation bar in the webpage and hit delete before saving and attempting again to publish.
How do I do this and which navigation bar?
By navigation bar do they mean this the strips of icons that run across the top and side of the page including the publish icon? And if so, how do I attempt to publish if I do manage to delete them? I can see how to hide them.
Help please.
I'm new at this, I'm having issues attempting to publish my web-site and the last suggestion from the help-desk is that I highlight navigation bar in the webpage and hit delete before saving and attempting again to publish.
How do I do this and which navigation bar?
By navigation bar do they mean this the strips of icons that run across the top and side of the page including the publish icon? And if so, how do I attempt to publish if I do manage to delete them? I can see how to hide them.
Help please.