where did I go wrong?

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  • Fran
    Private First Class

    • Sep 2006
    • 5

    where did I go wrong?

    Hello One and All

    I have reached the point of frustration. I've re-re-re-watched tutorials and I thought I had it all together.I published yesterday to find that it's not all together after all. So my first question is
    Can I delet those pages and republish after I've fixed them?
    I publised them because the preview wouldn't work for me.
    Why are my page links not opening the other pages from the buttons on my index? They open and have the title of the page instead of the whole page I published.
    I've tried over writing the pages in control panel but it hasn't worked.
    Please help? www.mapleleafupholstery.ca
    Thanks so much in advance
  • Fran
    Private First Class

    • Sep 2006
    • 5

    Re: where did I go wrong?

    Well I finally found out where I went wrong.BUT now it is up and running and I am soooo relieved.The next one will be more elaborate.I am so impressed with alot of the sites I've seen done here.I have to do a better one.I think it should be alot easier the next time around.
    www.mapleleafupholstery.ca incase you want to have a look.
    Thanks Voda Host for helping me solve the problem.


    • Bethers
      Major General & Forum Moderator

      • Feb 2006
      • 5224

      Re: where did I go wrong?

      I'm glad you got it solved - and I'm sorry none of us answered you on the forum :( - somehow your first post got past me - and others, it looks like.

      I just took a quick peek and suggest you change the way your pages open - right now you've got them target=blank - which opens them all in a new page. You don't want pages within your site to open in new pages - but to replace the page you're on.

      A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

      SEO and Marketing Tools
      SEO - The Basics


      • davidundalicia

        • Mar 2006
        • 6294

        Re: where did I go wrong?

        Glad to see that you got it sorted.....Just a couple of points to help you along the way.
        1).. try to keep your pages within the 800/900 width (centered)

        2).. on your other pages always try to put a return link to your home page
        or your other pages...........

        And have fun whilst your doing it..........
        Have fun
        Regards..... David

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        • Fran
          Private First Class

          • Sep 2006
          • 5

          Re: where did I go wrong?

          I noticed the page opening thing but wasn't sure how to fix it,and after all the trouble I had "I don't want to touch anything...it's working" :o)
          My e-mail didn't link to my e-mail either.So I know what to bo in the next one,with your help of course (please).I had to go bigger on some pages because I could only squish things in so much,I did it all with 1200 width and then caught in a post that it had to be 800 width.
          Thanks so much for looking at the site I appreciate your advice
          Thanks So Much


          • aconstas1
            Lieutenant Colonel

            • Mar 2007
            • 582

            Re: where did I go wrong?

            Originally posted by Fran
            Well I finally found out where I went wrong.BUT now it is up and running and I am soooo relieved.The next one will be more elaborate.I am so impressed with alot of the sites I've seen done here.I have to do a better one.I think it should be alot easier the next time around.
            www.mapleleafupholstery.ca incase you want to have a look.
            Thanks Voda Host for helping me solve the problem.
            It definitely is easier the second time around. I thought I had put a decent site up the first time, only to realize that I could do much better. It was alot of work revamping the whole site, but I think it's much better. It was definitely so much easier for me the second time around. I almost hate to do too much work now, cuz I think perhaps I will revamp the whole thing again in the future the better I get. Oh well. Have fun.
            Best Regards,
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            • Bethers
              Major General & Forum Moderator

              • Feb 2006
              • 5224

              Re: where did I go wrong?

              You'll discover new things that you want to do constantly. I redid one site many times. NOw i pretty much keep my designs for quite awhile - but still find myself making changes - and a couple months after one store went live - I completely redid it :) - Just remember who the site is for. If it's for your personal use and just for fun - do whatever you want. If it's commercial or you are looking to get a wider audience, you have to build it to fit what they would want/like - not necessarily what you like/want :)
              A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

              SEO and Marketing Tools
              SEO - The Basics

