problems viewing in different browsers

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  • proactivator
    First Lieutenant

    • Mar 2007
    • 178


    problems viewing in different browsers

    Have viewed my site in Firefox, IE, Opera and Netscape: all rather different experiences with my main navigation buttons (sidebar). I have double checked that each button is in exactly same place on all pages and that page width is constant at 780 pixels. Here's what happens.

    Firefox: click home>about us: navbar jumps right a bit. click about us> products: navbar jumps right a bit more. Click through rest of buttons and everything OK. Click in reverse and reverse happens to that described.

    Internet Explorer: Navbar static an all instances except a very pronounced blink when clicking from one page to another. What I regard as a serious problem is that the extreme bottom left of the first letter "J" in my title, JamesBartondesign is chopped off. It shows chopped when building pages in bluevoda, but is fine in other browsers.

    Opera: Main navbar, home>about us jumps right a bit, rest stay in position when clicked through. When clicking from products> 1:8 scale military(in secondary navbar at bottom of page) main navbar jumps left. Click 1:8 scale military>emergency services, main navbar jumps right a bit.

    Netscape: Behaved beautifully, but not so many of use netscape as our default browser!

    Question:is it possible to rectify these problems in bluevoda? If is not then I'm in trouble. If you want to check out what I've been talking about my site, in early stages of development, is at
  • Bethers
    Major General & Forum Moderator

    • Feb 2006
    • 5224

    Re: problems viewing in different browsers

    As to the J - if you move that element to front - it shouldn't cut off on any browser.

    If you go reading in any major SEO forum - you'll discover that most of them have all the browsers you mentioned on various computers - as well as different versions of the various browsers - as they will not necessarily show the same in version 5 versus 6 on the same browser.

    You need to look at them and then make adjustments to make the page look the best possible on as many as possible - always remembering that today the greater majority of people will be using some version of IE. If you can settle for happiness between IE and Firefox, you'll have 98% or more of the people covered.

    IN IE you can have the page transistion selected where the page can fade in or out - and that can solve problems with how you feel the page "jumps" in IE. That jumping is actually the page loading rather quickly from what I can see.
    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

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    • aconstas1
      Lieutenant Colonel

      • Mar 2007
      • 582

      Re: problems viewing in different browsers

      I have found that in my tests to view pages in different browsers, the way you see it in BV is usually the exact way it will appear in IE. The easiest way for me to make sure that my pages will come out good is by making sure that it looks good in BV. That way i know how it will look in IE, and previewing in Firefox so that I can get a pretty good idea of how it's going to look in those two without opening and closing a bunch of programs.
      Best Regards,
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      • proactivator
        First Lieutenant

        • Mar 2007
        • 178

        Re: problems viewing in different browsers

        Hi Beth,
        Have solved the J problem. Was not a case of bringing to the front; that didn't make any difference. Solved it by inserting 2 (one was not enough) blank spaces in the text before typing the name. I used Times New Roman Italic. Am now going to see what I can do with a fade out for my pages.
        Hi Alex,
        Many thanks. I would have thought the same but it just ain't happening. That's why I was tearing my hair out re the different appearances in different browsers. I know a bit, from working in dreamweaver how different browsers, and in particular different versions of browsers do not like certain things. For instance netscape 4 does not support absolute positioning of frames. There are many more examples I won't bore you with.

