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My temporary URL sent when i registered the domain works but only for my "homepage" (named index in the file folder of all my pages that i have built so far...) I can't find my website anywhere online... like it doesn't exist or something. Everytime i publish is says it was successful..!? what am i missing? do i need to change anything in the cPanel?
Ethereal Vibe Alternative Artistry Medium - My Bellydance Website
The Canadian domain extension ".ca" is not supported by VodaHost (nor any US host), so you must:
1. First go to the provider that registered your domain with and make DNS changes there to point to your new VodaHost account (not the temporary IP, but the assigned nameservers listed) ..... this update may take anywhere from 15 minutes to 12 hours, depending on the Provider.
2. Once this has been done, all traffic will be redirected to your VodaHost account, which will then be able to display your newly published pages.....
To access your temporary site (and see your work live), you must enter the URL as shown in the confirmation email, as it bypasses the domain specified protocol.
The Canadian domain extension ".ca" is not supported by VodaHost, not any US host, so you must:
1. First go to the provider that registered your domain with and make DNS changes there to point to your new VodaHost account (not the temporary IP, but the assigned nameservers listed) ..... this update may take anywhere from 15 minutes to 12 hours, depending on the Provider.
2. Once this has been done, all traffic will be redirected to your VodaHost account, which will then be able to display your newly published pages.....
But I registered this domain with Vodahost as .ca toay... they didn't sat there were any issues with it..? the same URL with .com is taken, and I can't change my company name...
Ethereal Vibe Alternative Artistry Medium - My Bellydance Website
If VodaHost is making the purchase of your ".ca" domain for you, it will take a wee bit longer to effect the transfer to your account than normal (since it is an international extension, possibly as long as a week to jump through all the hurdles on your behalf), but it WILL happen properly.
In this case, you will in fact need to remain patient until your domain arrives before you can simply enter the URL and land on your site. You will need to continue to publish to, and access view your site using the temporary URL VodaHost provided.
and on we go!
*Next time you have a "crisis" though, please do not race around the Forums creating multiple threads.....patience works best!
Lol... I'm sorry Vasili... I will learn to be more patient. Thank you for helping me figure this all out.
Just to clarify so i know what's going on, even though I have registered my domain and have recieved all the emails saying it's ready to go, it's not ready to go? When will i know? Should i get another email saying it's up and running or should I just check every so often?
Again, sorry for the confusion... it's a little frustrating to not be able to talk to someone in person and not have a clue what is going on... :)
Ethereal Vibe Alternative Artistry Medium - My Bellydance Website
You're up and running for visitors in North Carolina. lol Note that it does take a little time for sites to propagate on all the servers world wide, but you are online and will (very) soon be viewable from anywhere.
oh yeah, that it is. BTW, I've made a little chage to my logo...hasn't reflected it on the forum, but can be seen on the site. (just wanted to let you know in hopes that it doesn't affect your masterpiece you're working on...uh huh, that's what I'm calling it lol!)