I clicked on the button to publish my page. In the box that came up there was a list of IP addresses. I could not change these to input my IP address. I assume that this feature only works for publishing on voda hosted accounts.
If that is so, do I rename my page to index.html and ftp it to my midPhase host? I have ftp'd the images already but just want to check if this is the case. Also, do I put it under public_html?
Thank you.
I clicked on the button to publish my page. In the box that came up there was a list of IP addresses. I could not change these to input my IP address. I assume that this feature only works for publishing on voda hosted accounts.
If that is so, do I rename my page to index.html and ftp it to my midPhase host? I have ftp'd the images already but just want to check if this is the case. Also, do I put it under public_html?
Thank you.