Hi my site is a baby, and I have come to love the BV tools and help! The site is http://www.kadelshallmark.com All comments and suggestions are welcomed!
Question: Is there any way to program a page's properties so a previously accessed page automatically refreshes itself; making any new, updated, saved and re-published pages 'refreshed' automatically by their browser?
Otherwise, the person must remember to click refresh on their browser to see if there are any changes to any cached pages. Most people never do this, and assume the page remains unchanged. Please help me with ideas. The website is so new, and changes are frequent right now. Besides, we are a very SEASONAL business, with many changes month to month anyway.
Thanks for any input any of you have,
Question: Is there any way to program a page's properties so a previously accessed page automatically refreshes itself; making any new, updated, saved and re-published pages 'refreshed' automatically by their browser?
Otherwise, the person must remember to click refresh on their browser to see if there are any changes to any cached pages. Most people never do this, and assume the page remains unchanged. Please help me with ideas. The website is so new, and changes are frequent right now. Besides, we are a very SEASONAL business, with many changes month to month anyway.
Thanks for any input any of you have,