where did I flub up?

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  • aabutterplace
    First Sergeant

    • Jan 2008
    • 72


    where did I flub up?

    website: www.abutterplace.com (so far only 3 pages published...home, about and customer service)

    I'll try to explain clearly. The first page I built was my 'about' page then cloned that and built my other pages. When I published my 'home' and 'about' page all was well. When I then published my 'customer service' page the flower background was all distorted...it previewed just fine.

    Went back and republished my customer service page...looked fine, BUT my 'about' page floral bg was now distorted AND the title read 'customer service' but all page text was the same. So I went back and re-published my 'about' page...looked fine in preview and live, BUT now my 'customer service' page background was distorted and the title now read 'about'...

    confused yet? LOL! The website gremlins are at work, or it's something I did in the wee hours of the morning, but I sure don't know what it is.

    Can anyone help?
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: where did I flub up?

    You should always start with your index page, especially when setting the "styles" and other aspects which are copied/cloned into other page formats.

    If you start with any other page than index, the sequence of page construct is destroyed, as the index page (as part of the website logic and internet methodology) sets the format or style upon the remainder (or underlying) of the pages....in other words, the first page "read" sets the pace for all subsequent, and that is why your "styles" are in conflict.

    Re-set (open, click OK) on all of your links and style setpoints on your index page, re-save, and re-publish index. Should reset all to a false "default" .... if not, you will need to truly clone the index page and manually reset all styles.

    Since you really do not have a lot of pages, re-doing your index page is not much of a deal-breaker, and should take no more than an hour at the VERY most....
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • aabutterplace
      First Sergeant

      • Jan 2008
      • 72

      Re: where did I flub up?

      thank you for jumping in so quickly....unfortunately for me, I have dozens of pages built...just not complete and published. I read through what you've said and try to apply it...thanks again!


      • aabutterplace
        First Sergeant

        • Jan 2008
        • 72

        Re: where did I flub up?

        I did the index page fix you gave me and re-created my about page from that and it worked! So far, the other two pages I've published are working too so I'll just go page by page and see how it goes. Thanks again, K

