Add-on domain url

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  • JT Wallace

    • Feb 2008
    • 12

    Add-on domain url

    My domain name is

    I created an add-on domain successfully; its name is
    I have created and published evergreenopportunity.index, evergreenopportunity_index and public_html/evergreenopportunity.html.

    What is the url for this add-on domain - I can't get it to appear.

    Also, I wanted to use this as a separate landing page, so I want only the page "evergreenopportunity" to appear.

    What is the difference between an add-on domain and a subdomain?

    Jeanette Wallace
  • dougnez
    Brigadier General

    • Aug 2006
    • 1769

    Re: Add-on domain url

    Hi JT
    When publishing.. public_html is your Main Account… So when you publish the index… Make sure it’s published to public_html/evergreenopportunity. Both Sub Domains and Add On Domains are folders in your account.. But an Add On Domain has its own address; so when is looked for…There it is. A Sub Domain is essentially a folder/file within your main domain, is free to add, and carries the name of your main domain with it in its url (address). Like
    Hope That Helps… Doug


    • JT Wallace

      • Feb 2008
      • 12

      Re: Add-on domain url

      Hi, dougnez and thanks for answering.

      I still cannot get evergreenopportunity (hereafter eo) .com to show up. It returns a message saying server not found.

      1) in my cpanel under public files I have cgi-bin. There are no subfiles showing. There is also, which has a subfile called cgi-bin.
      2) In my bv files on my computer I have a folder called website pages. In that folder is a subfolder called eo pages. In the eo pages folder there are 3 files: a bv evergreenopportunity, an html file of the same name, and a bv file called evergreenopportunityindex.

      This is as complete a description as I can give you. What do I have to do or undo in order to get the url to show up?

      I have to get this done, and I'm totally flummoxed at this point.

      Thanks for any help you or anyone else can offer.


      • aussiebaz
        First Lieutenant

        • Jan 2007
        • 175

        Re: Add-on domain url

        Hi Jeanette

        The easiest way to do this is to
        Set up a seperate folder, name it whatever your
        addon domain name is

        EG if your domain is
        then name the folder willybilly

        Then design your main page that you wish to use
        in that domain and name it index

        Save it to that folder.
        Inside the folder there should now be a file
        called index.

        While you have the page open in your builder click on
        In the foder section you should have "public_html" showing
        type into it /evergreenopportunity so you then have "public_html/evergreenopportunity"

        Now publish

        When complete open your addon domain name in
        your browser EG:

        and you should see your page

        hope this helps


        • LadyEye
          General & Forum Moderator

          • Jun 2006
          • 10526

          Re: Add-on domain url

          Originally posted by JT Wallace View Post
          My domain name is

          I created an add-on domain successfully; its name is
          I have created and published evergreenopportunity.index, evergreenopportunity_index and public_html/evergreenopportunity.html.

          What is the url for this add-on domain - I can't get it to appear.

          Also, I wanted to use this as a separate landing page, so I want only the page "evergreenopportunity" to appear.

          What is the difference between an add-on domain and a subdomain?

          Jeanette Wallace
          Hi .

          - An add on domain is a domain name that you order and purchase and then you will add on to your main domain account as an ADD ON DOMAIN.
          An ADD ON DOMAIN will have it's own url and found by the domain name you ordered.

          - A sub-domain is just an extension of one of your domains and is a sub-folder to that domain, is free and does not have it's own url.

          So firstly, you need to purchase this domain before you can add it onto your account ..

          Then you can follow aussiebazs post and the only diffference you might find yourself publishing to public_html/ - the difference being using the .com as well - this will be determined when you add on the domain name that you purchase ...


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