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Hi, I have an addon domain that I want to publish before I publish my main page. Can I do that? Or do I have to publish something in my main URL first?
Hi, I have an addon domain that I want to publish before I publish my main page. Can I do that? Or do I have to publish something in my main URL first?
This is pefectly acceptable.
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
My main site is and when I go to publish my add on domain I publish to: public_html/russproudfoot and I get the following message: ERROR 550 Can't change directory to public_html/russproudfoot No such file or directory.
Ok, it's possible either this was not the name given to the folder when you created it..
If you have the new version of CP then I believe when you create an addon domain now it adds the .com or to the folder name.
Now I always remove that off my addon folder set up but if you haven't I would guess that you may have to add the .com to the end of your folder name when publishing.
i.e. public_html/
I am guessing by the way as I don't do mine this way, but you can't hurt by trying, it just won't allow you if I'm wrong.
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
Your Main site is
If my investigations are correct, your ADD-ON is ... right?
If so, then you publish the index page for the ADD-ON to public_html/ (or leave the .net off it its not required).
To publish an index page to your Main Site it just published to public_html
Not having had to do it personally, I can't comment on whether you need to publish an index page for your main site first. However, if you do, it's a simple matter of creating a "temp" / "coming soon" page to fill it.