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  • firstlionking

    • Mar 2008
    • 34


    Hello Every Pros,

    I just completed a new site all by Bluevoda tutorials and this is my first time to build a web site. I cannot say enough about the wonderful Bluevoda system.

    My web site is "", and I would love to hear from any of you pros to give your true opinion and critics.

    Also, after I have corrcted all the bugs(I am sure it's going to be a lot) from your suggections, would anyone can tell me where do I go from here? to have my site hosted and published to the public.

    Thank you in anticipation for your help.

    Last edited by firstlionking; 03-31-2008, 06:33 PM. Reason: noticed typing error
  • karenwms63

    • Feb 2008
    • 865

    Re: Alec

    When I go to your site url, it says it is parked by domainrightnow.
    On your temporary url you only have a list of files, so I am assuming that you have not published your homepage as index.html or otherwise your webpages would show.

    I imagine that the counter questions you are getting is because you have things to do in order to publish your site. If you want the website to be at, then you will have to point your domain name at the nameservers you were given for your vodahost account.

    It seems that there is more than just a couple of overlooked steps that need to be taken here. And with my limited knowledge, I am not qualified to help you.

    Maybe you are like me...I had to watch the tutorials more than once to get some of the stuff to sink in. However, the best step to begin with is to plan on paper what exactly it is you want to do. I had to make myself a checklist so that I don't miss any steps in the publishing of the pages for my sites. Currently I am working on my sis in law's reunion's what I am using for practice and learning.

    If you happen to have all those counter questions in print, it might be a good idea to go to those and search on the forum for answers on resolving those questions.

    Good Luck,
    Karen Williams
    Your Belief is Your Reality


    • firstlionking

      • Mar 2008
      • 34

      Re: Alec

      Hello Karen,

      Thank you for your response. With reference to the index page, hre is what happened. I have a what I called "Entry page"-a page I want the visitor to open first before the home page. I undrstand that Voda system want the home page to b the "Index page(as I understand it, that's the first page of the site), because of that I went to the "Supporting desk", I received an answer, they told me "Name you "Entry page" as your "Index Page" instead of the "Home Page". So I did just that, and republished all my pages AGAIN!

      So was that wrong? DO I STILL HAVE TO NAME THE HOME PAGE THE "INDEX PAGE" IN ORDER TO MAKE IT WORK? - then what and how can I get my "Entry Page" show?

      With reference to Publishin, based on what you're telling me that I have to "GO Public by pointing my Domain name to VodaHost first before anybody can see it - including VodaHost Staff can review it? I thought that once I published it within BlueVoda Site Builder System, The BlueVoda staff will be able to review it and help me iron out some of the problems BEFORE I HAVE TO GO ON THE AIR OPEN TO PUBLIC? AM I WRONG?

      Thank you kindly.



      • LadyEye
        General & Forum Moderator

        • Jun 2006
        • 10526

        Re: Alec

        Hi Alec

        Yes, you have to publish the pages so that we can see, if they are not published they remain on your computer only .. Not to worry about others seeing it while you are making changes, people are not going to find your website that fast ..

        As karen states, you will need to be sure your domain is pointing at your voda servers. Log into your vbs billing, the log in information for this is contained in the information you received from voda hosting. Be sure the servers are set to your two VH servers .. they tend to look like this - something similar will be yours.

        Your entry page can be named index and then you apply a link from that entry page to the next page of your site ..

        Oh, and just one more thing. The support desk is mainly for supporting hosting problems you have, the blue voda website builder is free to use, as well as the tutorials too .. and this support forum for help with using the blue voda website builder. It's not really supports job to teach you how to build a website, it's best you come to this forum for your website building needs, and if you have any technical or hosting issues, then please go to support. Please kind of understand the difference, if you will.

        Anything else?


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        • firstlionking

          • Mar 2008
          • 34

          Re: Alec

          Hi Ladyeye,

          Thank you very much for your explanation about the "Difference" of the supports, I wish I came to this forum earlier. I am also pleased that you have clarified the "Entry Page"/Home page issue. because that's what I did, I name my entry page as "Index Page" and then linked it to my home page. I am glad I did the right thing!

          Now I am going to "point" the Domain name to Vodahost, thanks to clarify that too, I thought once I published it in the Voda system, the staff and members will be able to see it, before I have to actually put on the air prior to iron out all the bugs(now I think it's going to be plent, considering the number of pages in my site.

          Yes, there are couple other things I would appreciate your help:

          1. I just read in this forum ( and I'm glad I did) that in order for my "Thank You Response Note" to emails sent to the site, "The extension should be "php" instead of html. then it says after the corrections is made I should "Delete" the "old page" from the manager & republish it. Question: Where do I find the "manager" to do the delet the old page? Do I have to delet all "old pages" I published, if the coding is Ok, but I made some corrections on "Miss-spellings", or deletion of graphics. even though I did install "No-cache" on everypage?

          2. On the related subject, I build a simple "Affiliate" page, which requires the people refered by the affilate to send us back a email to register. I have no problem to do the "Response Note" similar to the above, but I don't know how to create the "Report page" and linkage to it, where the affiliate's name and their Referral's name will be "automatically Added on to that report" ? Can you help me?

          PS: I noticed that my message is "Closed" why? and how do I "reactiviate it? since my subject is not fully completed yet?

          Thnak you very much in advance.



          • firstlionking

            • Mar 2008
            • 34

            Re: Alec

            [quote=firstlionking;224043]Hi Ladyeye,

            Thank you very much for your explanation about the "Difference" of the supports, I wish I came to this forum earlier. I am also pleased that you have clarified the "Entry Page"/Home page issue. because that's what I did, I name my entry page as "Index Page" and then linked it to my home page. I am glad I did the right thing!

            Now I am going to "point" the Domain name to Vodahost, thanks to clarify that too, I thought once I published it in the Voda system, the staff and members will be able to see it, before I have to actually put on the air prior to iron out all the bugs(now I think it's going to be plent, considering the number of pages in my site.

            Yes, there are couple other things I would appreciate your help:

            1. I just read in this forum ( and I'm glad I did) that in order for my "Thank You Response Note" to emails sent to the site, "The extension should be "php" instead of html. then it says after the corrections is made I should "Delete" the "old page" from the manager & republish it. Question: Where do I find the "manager" to do the delet the old page? Do I have to delet all "old pages" I published, if the coding is Ok, but I made some corrections on "Miss-spellings", or deletion of graphics. even though I did install "No-cache" on everypage?

            2. On the related subject, I build a simple "Affiliate" page, which requires the people refered by the affilate to send us back a email to register. I have no problem to do the "Response Note" similar to the above, but I don't know how to create the "Report page" and linkage to it, where the affiliate's name and their Referral's name will be "automatically Added on to that report" ? Can you help me?

            PS: I noticed that my message is "Closed" why? and how do I "reactiviate it? since my subject is not fully completed yet?

            Thnak you very much in advance.



            • karenwms63

              • Feb 2008
              • 865

              Re: Alec

              Your index page cannot be named Index, must be lowercase i. This will cause problems also.

              You will only have to delete the pages that have the names changed, like thankyou.php instead of thankyou.html - so you would want to go to file manager and delete the thankyou.html page but keep the .php page.

              Other pages that do not have a name change will just be overwritten with your corrections as long as you republish them with the same name. Just make your corrections and republish.

              As far as a closed message, that usually happens if the answers are already fully explained in another thread. These threads are like the tutorials...sometimes you just have to read them more than once to catch every step that is required to make the web pages work properly.

              That's about all that I can help you with as I am still learning myself.
              Karen Williams
              Your Belief is Your Reality


              • karenwms63

                • Feb 2008
                • 865

                Re: Alec

                P.S. Entry page, home page, and index page are all ways of saying the same thing. When someone puts your domain name in their browser to view your site, it is the page that comes up at All your other pages will be at or /contactus.html, etc. Whatever your page names might be, they will follow your domain nameafter the backslash "/".

                I am not clear on what you mean by "entry page". You seem to have a different definition than I do. Normally people enter a website by the main domain name (i.e. index page) or a product page or an information page of some kind. A product or information page that the consumers hit first are nicknamed "landing pages" because they didn't go to your index page first.

                Good Luck,
                Karen Williams
                Your Belief is Your Reality


                • firstlionking

                  • Mar 2008
                  • 34

                  Re: Alec

                  [quote=karenwms63;224146]P.S. Entry page, home page, and index page are all ways of saying the same thing. When someone puts your domain name in their browser to view your site, it is the page that comes up at All your other pages will be at or /contactus.html, etc. Whatever your page names might be, they will follow your domain nameafter the backslash "/".

                  I am not clear on what you mean by "entry page". You seem to have a different definition than I do. Normally people enter a website by the main domain name (i.e. index page) or a product page or an information page of some kind. A product or information page that the consumers hit first are nicknamed "landing pages" because they didn't go to your index page first.

                  Good Luck,[/quote/21833]


                  • firstlionking

                    • Mar 2008
                    • 34

                    Re: Alec

                    Hi Karen;21833,

                    Thank you so much for your responses. Yes, When I say "Entry Page" I meant the first page when people opens my site<>. Now with your detailed explanations, I have rename my entry page < and followed it with < and so on with other pages/other names.html.

                    With reference to "republishing", when I first published my site, I noticed later that some page names are not correct as instructed i.e. - Dominican Republic.html, (I discovred I used Caps when I not supposed to, and I did not link the words together with _), So I corrected it and republished as follows; So In this case since I didn't change the name just correct it, DO I STILL NEED TO "DELETE THE OLD PAGE, AND REPUBLISH THE NEW?

                    With reference on "Delete of old page, Where and How Do I do this? Since I made changes on few pages, I'm now NOT Sure what I did with which page, SO I WANTED TO REVIEW THEM ALL SO THAT I CAN MAKE SURE THEY'RE OK BEFORE I PUBLISH IT! Any suggestions? I did go to Cpanel "file manager, but I don't know HOW TO OPEN ANY OF MY PAGES? Can you Help me Please?

                    With reference to "Point to Vodahost as the hosting company, my current Domain name is Parked at Domain Right Now, I don't want to "transfer It", I just want to change it to VodaHost so they can publish and hosting my site. I read the instruction from Voda but it's very brief, and this is my first experience, I don't know how to do it myself, I guess my best solution is just call "Domain Right Now" and ask them to do it for me right? Do you have any solutions.

                    Sorry for asking so many questions, it's not that I am lazy, I went through the instructions and tutorials over and over again, but these are just the things that I can't find answers.

                    Thank you for your trouble and assistance indeed.



                    • karenwms63

                      • Feb 2008
                      • 865

                      Re: Alec

                      My advice is to just leave the pages where they are until you are more familiar with the workings of cpanel. As long as you don't link any pages to the old pages, they will not be a problem just sitting in you file manager. The reason I say this is because there are files in there that you will not recognize but are crucial to making your site work. You definitely do not want to delete the wrong pages and or files. If you look in the cpanel section of this forum, you will find all the instructions that you need. I still have to watch cpanel tutorial now and again, myself. As for the pages that are in your Bluevoda folder on your computer, just delete the ones you don't want so you do not get them mixed up with your good pages.

                      In your welcome email from vodahost is the nameservers that you must point your domain name to (there are two). Pointing your domain name nameservers to vodahost will not transfer the domain, but to show up on vodahost you will have to enter this information. In order to do this you will have to be able to get to the account manager for domain name at DomainRightNow. If you do not have access, then just ask you registrar to make the proper nameserver changes for you. This can take up to a day or two for it to update on the internet.

                      I am not familiar with how to do the "Affiliate" stuff, but there is a wealth of information here if you use the search at the top of the forum for the word "affiliate".
                      Karen Williams
                      Your Belief is Your Reality


                      • firstlionking

                        • Mar 2008
                        • 34

                        Re: Alec

                        [quote=karenwms63;224260]My advice is to just leave the pages where they are until you are more familiar with the workings of cpanel. As long as you don't link any pages to the old pages, they will not be a problem just sitting in you file manager. The reason I say this is because there are files in there that you will not recognize but are crucial to making your site work. You definitely do not want to delete the wrong pages and or files. If you look in the cpanel section of this forum, you will find all the instructions that you need. I still have to watch cpanel tutorial now and again, myself. As for the pages that are in your Bluevoda folder on your computer, just delete the ones you don't want so you do not get them mixed up with your good pages.

                        In your welcome email from vodahost is the nameservers that you must point your domain name to (there are two). Pointing your domain name nameservers to vodahost will not transfer the domain, but to show up on vodahost you will have to enter this information. In order to do this you will have to be able to get to the account manager for domain name at DomainRightNow. If you do not have access, then just ask you registrar to make the proper nameserver changes for you. This can take up to a day or two for it to update on the internet.

                        I am not familiar with how to do the "Affiliate" stuff, but there is a wealth of information here if you use the search at the top of the forum for the word "affiliate".[/quote21833]


                        • firstlionking

                          • Mar 2008
                          • 34

                          Re: Alec

                          Hi Karen,

                          Thank you very much for your advise. I will follow your advise and hopefully I can get my website up.


