After building a page and publishing it, I go to check to see how it turned out on the web and it shows fine on the local machine I created it on, however, after visiting the page on another completely different system, the page shows quite different.
Meaning, off centered in some pages, borders are 3 times larger, Aweber web forms are longer in length and are overlapping other text paragraphs, etc.
Is there a certain way to build and publish a page to where it looks like it looks in Bluevoda on all systems out there?
After building a page and publishing it, I go to check to see how it turned out on the web and it shows fine on the local machine I created it on, however, after visiting the page on another completely different system, the page shows quite different.
Meaning, off centered in some pages, borders are 3 times larger, Aweber web forms are longer in length and are overlapping other text paragraphs, etc.
Is there a certain way to build and publish a page to where it looks like it looks in Bluevoda on all systems out there?