Hi,I am very new to this so I was wondering if anyone can tell me,is it normal when you publish a file that it is still in file format not pictures & so forth?Then when I finally find it some of my pictures are displayed but some are not,it is the same picture throughout my site??? Most pages link together but one in particular has an 404 error code but I checked the address and it is exactly the same as all the other pages??? I hope I am being clear,well as clear as I get with computer stuff!Help if you can,please! Shona, houseofdivinecakes.com
Is this normal??
Re: Is this normal??
It appears you are transferring files through the FTP Manager or File manager and not "publishing" your pages correctly. Your pages should not appear as .bvp files but as .html files. Need to publish the pages through blue voda with the publish button.
Re: Is this normal??
Everytime you publish a page with the same name in the same folder it will overwrite the old page in that folder.