Publishing and links

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  • kmcelroy

    • Jan 2009
    • 31

    Publishing and links

    I published all 10 pages of my site. Only the index page is showing up. The link Home is not working, either. The index page is going to have a flash movie on it, so the home page to my website is actually going to be next page. I wanted to publish to make sure everything worked. Nothing does. I cannot even type the entire page name into browser to see the page. I keep getting Error, page not found. Someone please help me. Also, when linking, should the target area be left blank (not_blank) in order to open page in same window? That is how I have set my links up for pages within site. Links to external sites are set as _blank to open in new window. Someone please help!!
  • D'son
    Major General

    • Apr 2008
    • 2577

    Re: Publishing and links

    We need a link to your site to see. But as foar as the page not being found that means that either you did not save it correctly, or have the link correct or you did not publish it. Each page has to be published seperately. To see what pages you have published, the names and extension type look in your control panel/file manager.
    How to add JAlbum to your site


    • kmcelroy

      • Jan 2009
      • 31

      Re: Publishing and links

      The site is You won't see much. I checked the file manager and the index is listed as index.html. All other pages are listed as pagename.php. Is this wrong? I saved everything per the tutorials. All pages were publishe seperately. All are in my file manager.


      • Tom Finley
        Brigadier General

        • Mar 2008
        • 1303

        Re: Publishing and links

        The only link you have on the page is "Home." It looks for, which does not exist. Change it to your correct URL.

        EDIT: OK, sorry--either my eyes weren't working or you changedthe link as I typed...never mind until I take a second look. Children's Ministry resources
        CLAMcentral's Projects Blog Family Fun


        • Tom Finley
          Brigadier General

          • Mar 2008
          • 1303

          Re: Publishing and links

          Anyway, your link is looking for Have you published that page? You should save and publish it as manheim with no capital letters or extension--BV will add the .html. You are correct about the target fields.
 Children's Ministry resources
          CLAMcentral's Projects Blog
 Family Fun


          • kmcelroy

            • Jan 2009
            • 31

            Re: Publishing and links

            All pages have been published. When I save the pages, BV does add the extension .bvp and they are saved in my BV folder. I then open a page, make any necessary changes, and publish. I did not add any extensions. BV never asked for any. When I look at the files in File Manager, only the index page has a .html extension. All other pages (that I published in the same manner as the index page) have a .php extension. It seems to me that all these pages should have .html extensions. Why would they be .php? It's the only reason I can think of as to why I can't find any pages online or my links don't work. How can I get the .html extension onto all other pages?


            • Tom Finley
              Brigadier General

              • Mar 2008
              • 1303

              Re: Publishing and links

              Hi--I think I was a little loopy this morning before my coffee. You Home link should just be --you don't need to specify the index page for that link because is your main page.

              The php extensions are not a problem. I can go to no problem, because that's the true name of the page. Php extensions are used by BV for pages with forms on them--that page has a contact form and so it has the php extention on it. I don't know the names of your other pages so I can't view them, but they will be php if they have forms. The good news is, even if they don't have forms, the php extension works fine--you can change it if you like but you don't have to. But if you do leave them with php, then your links need to be changed accordingly. Then they'll work.
     Children's Ministry resources
              CLAMcentral's Projects Blog
     Family Fun


              • kmcelroy

                • Jan 2009
                • 31

                Re: Publishing and links

       are the man. That makes perfect sense. There is a form on every one of my pages. Is this info on the forms tutorials? I don't remember seeing anything about linking to a page with a form and using the .php extension in the link. I am actually excited to try this on Monday at work. You made my weekend. Thanks again.


                • Tom Finley
                  Brigadier General

                  • Mar 2008
                  • 1303

                  Re: Publishing and links

                  Cool! I don't know if the php info is in the tutorials; just remember that whatever your page is named is EXACTLY what must be in the link. That's one reason why lowercase and so on is pretty much required. Just so you know, a form requires two-way communication to go on, something an html page can't do. Php takes care of that.
         Children's Ministry resources
                  CLAMcentral's Projects Blog
         Family Fun

