I published my site today. over 50 pages and it took about 2 seconds. When I go to the temporary ftp address (they are transferring my domain) it talks about cPanel and apache. When I log into cPanel and look under files it isn't there. What now?
Publishing question
Re: Publishing problem
First you can't publish your site, you have to publish each and every page seperately. The first page saved as index only lower case and no extionsions. Publish it to your public_html folder.
Re: Publishing problem
Ok, I have published 90% of my site but it still doesn't show up at the ftp address and when I go to files in cPanel there isn't anything there.I am publishing to the public_html folder but they aren't there. Any suggestions?
Re: Publishing problem
Has to be going somewhere if it says it is publishing. When you go to your c-panel are you then looking in your file manager, the public_html folder should load on the right side of the page? Are the files in there, It may take a moment to load. If not did you add anything after the publi_html in the publish box (where you entered your url, username and password)?
Re: Publishing problem
If they are in your c-panel then you would go to your site address
(ie: www.yoursite.com) not the server number. Give us a link to you site.
Re: Publishing problem
Ah, OK. I am having my domain moved to voda. I thought the temporary ftp was used as a temporary domain until my domain is moved. So what I should do now is foward my DNS from my current host to Voda and then what I published will come up...is that right?
Re: Publishing question
Yes exactly.