Here is my website:
If you click on the following pages, some of the page headings (in script font) are incorrect:
-Chapter officers
-Class schedule
-Chapter directory
-Contact us
I deleted and republished. I followed directions for Browser Caching, hitting F5, then running cCleaner. Now I've looked at the FTP Manager and discovered missing files.
I had selected to publish each text heading as an image (.GIF) under Properties, but some of those title images aren't in public_html.
Can someone please advise me what to do next?
(yes, the unpublished pages all have the correct headings.)
Thank you for your patience.
If you click on the following pages, some of the page headings (in script font) are incorrect:
-Chapter officers
-Class schedule
-Chapter directory
-Contact us
I deleted and republished. I followed directions for Browser Caching, hitting F5, then running cCleaner. Now I've looked at the FTP Manager and discovered missing files.
I had selected to publish each text heading as an image (.GIF) under Properties, but some of those title images aren't in public_html.
Can someone please advise me what to do next?
(yes, the unpublished pages all have the correct headings.)
Thank you for your patience.