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I have published the 'same page 2nd language' on my website but the logo maker's logo switched language. Everything else is fine except this. How can I correct this prevent this from happening in the future.
I have published the 'same page 2nd language' on my website but the logo maker's logo switched language. Everything else is fine except this. How can I correct this prevent this from happening in the future.
What is the address [url] of the page you published?
BV logo maker is not capable of switching language?
Please rephrase and tell us what actually is your problem in simple English but in more detail.
Re: problems publishing 2nd language page of website
Thanks for the feedback,
okay here we go, I have an English website and a Chinese website. I have linked only one page at the moment as a tester. When I published it the Chinese logo maker characters were showing up on the English page and at one point the English logo maker English charcters were on the English page, but this doesn't seem to be stable.
I would appreciate any help you can give.
The URL is
You can see the English logo maker logo on the home page URL
Re: problems publishing 2nd language page of website
I use FF and they looked fine. Your chinese page stayed chinese coming from the calendar link. But I think what you are saying is it intermitent. I'll try and play with it and let you know.
Re: problems publishing 2nd language page of website
Okay, thank you for checking, I was viewing on IE I heard FF is better.
It makes sense to make more folders now since there is more going on with the website. I hope that will solve the problem as I have many more Chinese pages to publish.