Internet Exception Error 12003 - An internal error has occured. 500 Unknown command

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  • mingswanfoo
    Second Lieutenant

    • Mar 2009
    • 106


    Internet Exception Error 12003 - An internal error has occured. 500 Unknown command

    Dear All,

    What's this suppose to mean?

    Internet Exception Error 12003
    An internal error has occured.
    500 Unknown command

    This only happen when I'm trying to publish sites with pictures.
    I publish all sites with .php (will that be an issue?)

    I can publish this yesterday but I wonder why this message appears every time I try to publish sites with pictures?

    Naval? Karen? Anyone?? Please help.... Thanks in advance...
    Best Regards,

  • mingswanfoo
    Second Lieutenant

    • Mar 2009
    • 106

    Re: Internet Exception Error 12003 - An internal error has occured. 500 Unknown comma

    Okies, I found out what was wrong with this error.

    I was publishing one of my sites with images from my "Image Folder" in BV.
    No wonder it didn't work and stated error...

    Okie dokie, problem solved...
    Best Regards,



    • mingswanfoo
      Second Lieutenant

      • Mar 2009
      • 106

      Re: Internet Exception Error 12003 - An internal error has occured. 500 Unknown comma

      Too bad.... Problem not solved... I guess I got lucky that it published weeks ago... Now I have been getting:

      Internet Exception Error 12003
      An internal error has occured.
      500 Unknown command


      This is what I have tried...
      1. Firewall: Added BV FTP on exception
      2. AVG AntiVirus: Added BV on exception
      3. Firewall: OFF

      Restart........... Then try to publish... (Message appear again)

      I'm running on a Vista...

      My Server IP:

      I am trying to complete my website but not being able to publish is not helping me at all...

      Best Regards,



      • ahimsa
        Major General

        • Jan 2009
        • 2184

        Re: Internet Exception Error 12003 - An internal error has occured. 500 Unknown comma

        Hi Foo,
        I had exactly the same situation just a couple of weeks ago.......I read all the relevant posts which pretty unanimously suggested it was a firewall thing. I followed the recommended instructions to the joy. I submitted a support ticket & initially got the same reaction. When I explained that I had done NOTHING by way of changing anything but, nevertheles, had tried EVERYTHING including disabling the firewall completely, then they started changing passwords etc. A few more tickets later & I had senior personnel at support INSIST it was a firewall thing & there was nothing they could do.

        I did EVERYTHING again!! This time I included uninstalling & re-installing BV....still no joy - unable to publish. I closed everything down for a couple of days - then decided to email a computer programmer friend of mine to see if he could help. Just before I sent the email I checked once more, tried to publish an 'edited' page! All was fine &, touch wood, has remained so. When I informed support of this all they could say was, "Well, it looks like the Gods smiled on you this time"!!!!!

        Hope you get to be as lucky........sorry I cannot give you any concrete advice on how to solve the issue,
        Good Luck
        Never measure the height of the mountain you're climbing. At the summit, look back and see how small it really is!


        • mingswanfoo
          Second Lieutenant

          • Mar 2009
          • 106

          Re: Internet Exception Error 12003 - An internal error has occured. 500 Unknown comma

          Hi David,

          It's good to hear from you again... I am really frustrated for not being able to publish my edited site.. It appears like how you put it, we did nothing wrong but the site just couldn't publish... And Support has no idea...

          I'm trying to smile to God now...

          I am thinking, could this be my Server IP problem?? My previous Server IP was 208.XX.XXX.......... and it seems to work fine...

          HELP!!!!........ Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :(
          Best Regards,



          • CarbonTerry
            Major General

            • Oct 2005
            • 2620

            Re: Internet Exception Error 12003 - An internal error has occured. 500 Unknown comma

            What is your server name? (vodahost xx) (
            Semper Fi
            Still green...still mean......just not as lean

            Red Hawk Archery
            Zone 5 Photo
            My USMC

