The official web hosting company for the BlueVoda Website Builder. You are currently viewing our support forum as a guest which gives you limited (read only) access. By joining our support forum you will be able to ask questions, participate in discussions and receive assistance. Registration is fast and simple. Click Here To Join our support forum today! We look forward to helping you build and publish a fantastic website.
PS: Your Account was only created as of 9-4-2010, and here in the US it's a Holiday Weekend (Monday). Usually it takes a minimum of 24-36 hours for an Account to be fully established, so methinks (after taking a closer look at the overall picture) you are jumping the gun somewhat .... you have not even received and Official Welcome email - only the Transaction Acknowledgement (explains why you were incognizant of the details to your account). You will be better off waiting until after you receive an official Welcome email to attempt any Publishing ....