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Publishing help

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  • Publishing help

    I am very new at this and am trying to publish, but it will not update. Also the hyperlinking is very messed up.

    I think this is something simple in my linking, but I cannot figure this out. Any tips?

    is my website. Can someone take a look and give me feedback.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Re: Publishing help

    1. The first page of any website must be named, saved, and published as index using all lower case letters: re-save and re-publish both your "Home" and/or "Index" pages as "index"

    2. All pages must be named, saved, and published using lower case letters only, without any spaces or symbols. If you need to create a "space" in page names (or hyperlinks), you can use an underscore ("_") or a hyphen ("-") as seen in this example: http;// and/or

    3. Since websites always default to the index page, the link to your "Home" page and to your website in general should always look like or when as a hyperlink only ... (not as .... you reserve specifically "naming" pages with the page extension ".html" for all pages other than your index page, as in and so on.

    4. Navigation will not work on your site until you:
    A. have properly published an index page;
    B. properly name, save, and publish the remainder of your pages using lower case letters in the same manner you have created your links .... as it is now, they can't be "found" because you published the pages using capitals, and your links are looking for lower case pages.

    You should review once again the Tutorials that detail each step of proper website building, so simple challenges do not become pratfalls to your progress.

    BlueVoda Tutorial Library
    How to Name Your BlueVoda Pages
    How To Link Your BlueVoda Pages Together
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

