Problem publishing pages and change is not desired text in the "shape"

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  • giu22

    • Aug 2011
    • 10

    Problem publishing pages and change is not desired text in the "shape"


    Help, I realized the web page ( of fields with "shape" that displays a text (Home, Projectors ...).
    Each page has its own text.
    The problem is that when a public page, I will change (sometimes) even the text of the corresponding field on another page.
    To facilitate the creation of new pages I have saved the same with a different name, then by changing the fields concerned, this may be a reason?!
    Can you help me
    thanks - Giuseppe
  • giu22

    • Aug 2011
    • 10

    Problem with buttons and shapes - info -


    I read the previous discussion.

    But the solution for the pages already created and published as is?

    If I clone the individual pages and save them with the same name, previously used,
    this solves the problem?
    I have to cancel, with FTP, all I have on the server to not have problems,
    and publish pages again with the "publish all files"?!

    To avoid having to repeat an element already present on another page (where it was convenient, then copy
    and paste) there is an alternative to "disconnect" items between pages?

    Thanks, waiting anxiously :)



    • giu22

      • Aug 2011
      • 10

      Re: Problem publishing pages and change is not desired text in the "shape"

      OK, I read another similar post.
      So I think the problem is the use of the copy and paste items between pages ...
      Hello - Giuseppe


      • navaldesign
        General & Forum Moderator

        • Oct 2005
        • 12080

        Re: Problem publishing pages and change is not desired text in the "shape"

        The problem is the Save As comand used to create nee page.

        Copy Paste instead will be fine.
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