Publishing Questions

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  • dtr

    • Sep 2011
    • 13

    Publishing Questions

    I've made changes & updates to a html page on my website and published correctly. But the published page is not replacing the old one, It's as if the server excepts it but refuses to make it available online. " Drives me nuts"

    I.m thinking I need to remove or delete that page from the servers files and the try to Re- publish the updated one as if I'm adding a new page to the website. I have tried looking for other elements in the way and even made sure reducing them so theres no over lay problem.

    Can anybody tell me the best way to do this or is there an easier way to do this?

    I have tried to look for the right files to remove in my Cpanel but I'm not sure of which files to use.

    It's the privacy policy page I'm tring to deal with on

  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Server not excepting updated content to a webpage

    You can use either BlueFTP to access your Primary Directory (public_html/) and remove files, or via cPanel > FILEMANAGER > public_html/ .... whichever is easiest for you to understand.
    > How To Use BlueFTP
    > How To Use File Manager in cPanel

    You may have been publishing to a server address which has since been updated and given a new IP, which means all the pages you've published are still going to the old server and which is no longer online (even though it is still there and connected to act as archive/backup).

    You should be publishing to the current server address assigned to the Domain
    If this server IP does not appear in your Publish Dialog Drop-Down Menu of IP Addresses, it means you will have to download a newer version of BlueVoda that will have this IP on an updated List.
    > Pre-BV12 Version of BlueVoda (.zip)
    > BlueVoda 12 (most current version)
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • dtr

      • Sep 2011
      • 13

      Re: Server not excepting updated content to a webpage

      I checked my publishing address is
      Is that the address you meant to type or do I need to find that IP, because I'm not finding that IP in the drop down and besides the other pages being republished with updates just fine.
      So I guess I'll just try to remove the policy page in file manager and reload, publish the new one.

      Ok, let me know if the IP was a typo.



      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Server not accepting updates

        Yes ... it was a typo. Sorry -- going too fast.

        Publish only from within BlueVoda.
        If you can't see your updated pages and you are supposedly publishing to the proper server in the correct method, you rmay need to flush your browser cache > How to Flush Your DNS
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *

