My Information Page, on Google Chrome

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  • pammy53p
    Private First Class

    • May 2016
    • 8

    My Information Page, on Google Chrome

    Hi, I recently published my re-vised website,:, everything looks fine, on Microsoft Edge, it looks just the way I wanted it to look, (including my information page). However, when I go to Google Chrome, and view my website, some of my text, seems to be broken, on my information page. I have updated this page, at least twice, it looks the way I want it to on Microsoft Edge, yet not on Google Chrome. Could someone please visit my information page, on Microsoft Edge, and then on Google Chrome, by visiting my website, and let me know, what you think is happening to my information page, on Google Chrome, I haven't got a clue, on how to fix it on Google Chrome, you would think that after I updated the page it would look the same as on Microsoft Edge.

    Thank You,

    Pamela Marquis