How to UN publish web pages/remove Ghost pages

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  • mfahey
    Sergeant First Class

    • Aug 2006
    • 51

    How to UN publish web pages/remove Ghost pages

    We have hosted here for 10 years or more. I have a couple of questions.

    We recently paid a developer to do our website in wordpress and published it in blue voda.

    About a year ago we were trying to do mobile web version but we do not have the skills to make it work.
    There is a file in public named m. When you click on it, there is a bunch of content. All content is dated 2016

    Now I look in the WP section (completed in Nov 2017) and I cannot seem to find any pages of my website.

    My question, how can I remove/UNPUBLISH the pages or any other?
    How do I know if I delete the M file that I am removing content from the word press website.

    I apologize if I am sounding like a rookie.

    I also used the sitemap tool for publishing the sitemap. Can I use the BV sitemap tool with website done in Word Press?
  • VodaHost
    General & Forum Administrator

    • Mar 2005
    • 12356

    Re: How to UN publish web pages/remove Ghost pages


    1) You can remove this using an FTP program by connecting to your account and then highlighting the unwanted folder and hitting the delete key. You can also log into the your control panel and then go to the file manager, you can delete the folder there as well. If you need help, please just open a ticket, we can do this for you!

    2) You should use a plugin to create a sitemap for your wordpress site, it is most likely your webdesigner has already done this for you!


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