JOOMLA Resources

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  • navaldesign
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Oct 2005
    • 12080

    Re: JOOMLA Resources

    If the php.ini file has been created and register_globals is still on, the problam is that your server settings turn the php.ini file permissions to 755 instead of the correct 644. Check it. If ANYTHING else than 644, make it 644.
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    • alze

      • Oct 2007
      • 10

      Re: JOOMLA Resources

      this is great info but it still doesn't tell me how to upgrade from 1.0 to 1.5 through cpanel.


      please send message to thanks.


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: JOOMLA Resources

        Alain -- you cannot "upgrade" through your VodaHsot cPanel, you need to install manually if you want to use a different version that is provided by Fantastico! (which is pretty clear from the beginning, even on the installation confirmation page in cP).

        Use this link download Joomla 1.5.6. ... which you can then manually install following the instructions and guides available here.

        If you visited the Joomla Home Page above you would already be aware of these resources!
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • simplybrowne

          • Jan 2006
          • 11

          Re: JOOMLA Resources

          Hello Vasili,

          I have just installed joomla to one of my addon domains. How do I get started with using it.


          • Vasili

            • Mar 2006
            • 14683

            Re: JOOMLA Resources

            Use the overwhelming resources that guide you every step of the way to using Joomla successfully!

            These "Beginner User Manuals" should prove to be really handy too, even though not listed in the first post in this thread ....
            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
            * Success Is Potential Realized *


            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: JOOMLA Resources

              Replying to "SimplyBrowne" got me thinking to back when I discovered so many differing resources within the Joomla Community that is got difficult to always know where to go to find the basic solutions, so I thought I would present them here, knowing that these would be what every VodaHost peer would need to deal with from the get-go, especially if installing via Fantastico!

              First, HERE is the definitive Installation Documents for Joomla 1.0.15 and 1.5 (although titled for 1.5, every item holds true for 1.0.15).

              Fantastico! will install 1.0.15 which is just as good as 1.5 (if not arguably better), and which allows more templates and add-on's to be installed from the beginning. Although the buzz surrounds 1.5, there simply is not enough bugs fixed nor enough additional options built for it yet, so unless you have a big wallet, stick to 1.0.15 to find more freebies, functional add-on's, and look-and-feel options available.

              If you installed Joomla via Fantastico!, you will immediately note the default Main page displaying a warning that your Global Permissions are set to "On" and need to be turned off (this is an error caused not from simply being installed via Fantastico! but due to being installed on a shared server, of which your account most lkely is -- unless you have paid VodaHost for a Dedicated IP account).
              Contrary to the advice given above by General Navaldesign, the errors are not specifically solveable simply by re-setting permissions --- you need to establish permissions and the associated commands by repairing/writing a "missing" file to permanently correct the issue as detailed on page 37 & 38 of the Installation Guide above.
              Of the 2 different methods mentioned to correcting the problem, and after many Joomla/VH/Fantastico! installations, I find performing the procedure on page 38 much simpler and more stable of a fix altogether: it is simply using NotePad to create a one-line code file and copying that same file to a few locations within your Joomla root folder system. Essentially, you will create a new php.ini file with the following line of Code (note that you will need to use a "space" and then the first letter of the line, and include everything shown here in orange) : " register_globals = "Off" ". This new php.ini file is then copied to the joomla_root/ and the joomla_root/administrator/ directories as well as within all folders that contain a .php file (I remember there being maybe 5 areas total).

              * This is only about 10-15 minutes time required, but it is imperative that it be done precisely in order to get your Fantastico! installation to work properly.

              The rest is pretty simple, even if you try to wing it and not read any of the esay-to-follow intros I've listed above. You should have a nice looking and functional website within the first hour or two if you do read up first, and within a day or so if you don't!

              Good Luck!
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • navaldesign
                General & Forum Moderator

                • Oct 2005
                • 12080

                Re: JOOMLA Resources

                Some things really make me wonder.

                (this is an error caused not from simply being installed via Fantastico! but due to being installed on a shared server, of which your account most lkely is -- unless you have paid VodaHost for a Dedicated IP account).
                register_globals on or off has nothing to do with shared hosting or dedicated IP addresses. It is the system administrator choice to set the value to ON or OFF in the php.ini file. Talking about VH servers, some of them have it on be default, and some have it off.

                Contrary to the advice given above by General Navaldesign, the errors are not specifically solveable simply by re-setting permissions --- you need to establish permissions and the associated commands by repairing/writing a "missing" file to permanently correct the issue as detailed on page 37 & 38 of the Installation Guide above
                This is totally wrong, or you have not correctly understood what i said. What i CLEARLY stated is that IF the local php.ini file was correctly created BUT if has no effect to the value of register_globals, it can ONLY mean that this file is not accessible by the system, which can only occur if the it has no correct permissions.
                That is what i stated and no more. So i don't see what was wrong in my post.

                you will create a new php.ini file with the following line of Code (note that you will need to use a "space" and then the first letter of the line, and include everything shown here in orange) : " register_globals = "Off" ".
                Not true!!!

                With MANY servers, a one line local php.ini file, will result in OTHER settings of the original file being ignored! Thus creating other issues.

                The script that i posted above, will, instead, do something else: It will COPY the entire original php.ini file (thus preserving all the other settings) and will simply add a line (the line that you also posted) at the end. This way all other settings remain as your system Admin has set them, and register_globals is set to off.
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                • Vasili

                  • Mar 2006
                  • 14683

                  Re: JOOMLA Resources

                  Sorry, George, but using a "diagnostic + injector" script (also mentioned in the Official Joomla Installation Manual linked above) is not a total solution, and I merely echoed what is written and what works with the fact files themselves are missing. Did you look at the documentation?
                  . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                  * Success Is Potential Realized *


                  • navaldesign
                    General & Forum Moderator

                    • Oct 2005
                    • 12080

                    Re: JOOMLA Resources

                    What would be the "diagnostic" script ?

                    The one i posted is NOT a diagnostic script. It is a script that creates a local php.ini file, with register globals set to off.
                    Further more, it can also set other settings to the desired value.

                    And yes, i looked at the documentation page 37 and 38 .
                    Both solutions are applicable (htaccess file or local php.ini file) with VH servers, BUT the way the php.ini file should be created (according to their instructons) is wrong.
                    Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
                    Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
           Forms, Databases, Shopping Carts, Instant Download Carts, Loggin Systems and more....
                    Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


                    • Vasili

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 14683

                      Re: JOOMLA Resources

                      Originally posted by navaldesign View Post
                      Some things really make me wonder..
                      Funny, it works perfectly for me for the past 11 installations, whereas all the previous VodaTalk "solutions" would not, and is exactly why I bothered to share my experience to help pave a clearer path to the many Fantastico! installations VH clients depend on.

                      And, it is rather hard to understand why the referenced instructions - pgs. 38, 39 - that come directly from the Official Joomla Website are "incorrect" .... why else would they be there, but to follow and learn from??
                      . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                      * Success Is Potential Realized *

