Hello, This bluevoda thing is addictive and you learn so much in this forum.
My next thing to learn is css. (I think)
One of my pet hates is when you make menu buttons for your website and you then visit your pages, the buttons just trundle on one at time instead of all appearing in one go.
Iwas wondering if css overcomes this?
Sometimes I look at other peoples sites with lots of images and fancy buttons and all the main components display at the same time?
Is anyone able to give me a brief overview.
Many thanks
My next thing to learn is css. (I think)
One of my pet hates is when you make menu buttons for your website and you then visit your pages, the buttons just trundle on one at time instead of all appearing in one go.
Iwas wondering if css overcomes this?
Sometimes I look at other peoples sites with lots of images and fancy buttons and all the main components display at the same time?
Is anyone able to give me a brief overview.
Many thanks