My Images

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  • pioneerVicki
    First Lieutenant

    • Jun 2007
    • 180

    My Images

    I am still loading photos onto my aboriginal art site & need some help.
    Firstly, I am presently using the gallery feature for my cave art photos. The pages were loading extremely slowly which was not surprising in one way because my pixels were too large. Just a couple of days ago my husband cut the pixels down to the size recommended by BV (using photoshop) but says he kept the sizes the same. I removed the old photo & replaced them with the newer ones ok. But when I checked the publiced site - the photo don't enlarge! To see what is happening please check You will notice that the first 2 don't enlargen; but the next 2 do because they are still the old ones. What can I do? What do you think of the loading times? The 4 pages containing the cave art are all like it now! I think I need the photos on the coloured background as it makes the orche colour look better particularly as the watermarked cuts down the contrast. On plain white they look too plain.

    Has anyone any idea as to why loads so slowly? And it's twice as quick as it was - I've cut the gallery size down! The pixel of the images is smaller than the recommended size. I really want to use the gallery feature as I think the marbles frames really make the pieces look 1000%. (I haven't checked the pixel of the background photo yet - that may have to be reduced.)

    I'm also totally confused as to what is going on with the lightbox feature as well. Please check out How fast does it load on your computer? On my computer the middle photo on the lightbox wasn't even unloading. (I just noticed that is is now - my husband put another processor in our computer this morning & its working better). In addition I had a moderately high pixel photo in the lightbox on the home page & when it eventually unloaded it was all the wrong shape - it went distorted horizontal when in fact the photo is a vertical when you enlarge it. (I replaced it with something else.) I though I could put large photos in the lightbox without it causing any problems; am I correct? In some cases I'm selling the paintings for several hundred $ so people need to see what they're getting; on the other hand if the page take forever to load - how many visitors will I get.
    Is there any software I can buy to lessen loading times?
  • Bethers
    Major General & Forum Moderator

    • Feb 2006
    • 5224

    Re: What's happened to my photos?

    Just a quick suggestion.

    First, if you have cut the picture size down - they can't enlarge - because they can't enlarge to a bigger size than they are originally.

    Second, when using the gallery feature - make sure you are clicking the thumbnail feature. That will make the download time go faster - and will allow you to continue to use the larger pictures. The main page will download the smaller thumbnails - then will show the original version when they are clicked on.
    A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

    SEO and Marketing Tools
    SEO - The Basics


    • pioneerVicki
      First Lieutenant

      • Jun 2007
      • 180

      Re: What's happened to my photos?

      I have ticked the thumbnail feature of gallery. I presume that is what you mean. I do have the thumbnails marked to the largest size. Does the size of your thumbnails affect loading time? As far as the cave art goes I think I can only go one size smaller. After that - they look a bit nothingness. What do you think? Check out & After all one reason I swapped to BV was that everything was just way too small in my old store.


      • Collectors-info

        • Feb 2006
        • 8703

        Re: What's happened to my photos?

        Hi Vicki, not quite sure what is happening with your images but with most of them, it seems like everything has reversed. As a sample! This image is at 127 kb & the lager pop up image which normally would be larger in kb’s is at 42kb which is nearly 3 times smaller. (Strange) The thumbnails you have should really be about 15-20 kb max for this size image. Not a major thing, but all of this is slowing your pages down.

        Good luck.
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting,

        House build project


        • pioneerVicki
          First Lieutenant

          • Jun 2007
          • 180

          Re: My Images

          Thanks for pointing that out. Will check into it tomorrow. They were fine as far as the sizes went until my husband cut the pixels down.

          We didn't rename anything (probably should for SEO) & as I had 5 pages of them, using Blue FTP I deleted the original images that had larger pixels, & transfered the new ones over. All my images reappeared immediately, so though everything was fine until after I finished & check the live site & found nothing enlargened anymore. Doing that couldn't have reversed thing could it?


          • zuriatman

            • Sep 2006
            • 3025

            Re: My Images

            "Your cave art photos cannot be displayed because it contain errors that is
            what I got."

            I assume your link address does not tally with what U typed in the properties link section in your BV page.

            I suggest you U rename your photos simply PV 1001, 1002, 1003 etc.,
            instead of the complicated % percentages that U are currently using now.
            Malaysian Family Tree Website From the
            State of Johor.



            • Vasili

              • Mar 2006
              • 14683

              Re: My Images

              Originally posted by zuriatman View Post
              "Your cave art photos cannot be displayed because it contain errors that is
              what I got."

              I assume your link address does not tally with what U typed in the properties link section in your BV page.

              I suggest you U rename your photos simply PV 1001, 1002, 1003 etc.,
              instead of the complicated % percentages that U are currently using now.
              Not Exactly. Your enthusiasm is noted, but you are seemingly trying too hard!

              >> The "%" symbol is defaulted as a 'placeholder' by the protocols whenever there is a blank space in titles, strings, or other "coding" and has nothing to do with how they present: it does, however, make a difference in how the Search Engines value them, for if they are not "recognizable" they hold no value and therefore will not be cached. If necessary, always use an underscore like_this between words in such instances.
              . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
              * Success Is Potential Realized *


              • pioneerVicki
                First Lieutenant

                • Jun 2007
                • 180

                Re: My Images

                Yes, you are right I typed in the wrong address - you will find 4 pages of cave art photos if you go to
                It turns out that the photo problem was a bit easier that I thought. Hubby HAD changed the sizes; I understood he had just changed the pixels. (I gave him the BV direction page to read - so it wasn't my instructions.) I've swapped them over again. Unfortunately I understand I've lost a bit of quality in some because they've been altered twice now.
                I'm afraid some of the strange numbering system is also due to him - I change quite a few things over - but for some reason he has some ideas with names. It really gets bad when he names the folder as well. He decided one had to be called NEW ABORIGINAL STORE put a photo from that folder on the site & get's an html error message on the php page. No one on the forum could figure out the problem - suddenly I saw the photo's identity still had the file's name it came from. xxxx has an html meaning. Changed the photos identity completely - end of problem. I was pleased with myself anyway; at least I'm learning a bit about how things work.
                Last edited by pioneerVicki; 11-01-2007, 01:44 PM. Reason: spelling error


                • pioneerVicki
                  First Lieutenant

                  • Jun 2007
                  • 180

                  Re: My Images

                  I have redone quite a few of my photos to get the quality up & the pixel size down. I have tried a few different sizes on different pages. Because of problems at this end, I have some difficulty working out page loading times. Can I get an opinion of photo sizes & loading times on these pages please:-

                  Any comments or opinions would be appreciated. eg. which size works best for you.


                  • zuriatman

                    • Sep 2006
                    • 3025

                    Re: My Images


                    There two things that I would like to comment on:

                    Your jewellery photos are too small and should be enlarged same as the other pages. I would also change it to a Light box instead of gallery

                    Please remove all the distortions from all your pages such as copyrights and
                    lines of arrows and suchs I find it an inappropriate form of protection. Better to use scripts to prevent right click, capture, printing and save as.
                    You can find a lot of scripts in the VodaTalk archives.
                    Malaysian Family Tree Website From the
                    State of Johor.



                    • Meanderer

                      • Aug 2007
                      • 324

                      Re: My Images

                      G'day from NSW.,
                      I had a quick look at your site and I feel I should tip you off that your site dosen't show up as well as it is meant to on some browsers?, screen resolutions.
                      Some of the text is over the top of other text etc. This can be caused by using fonts that are not available to all computers and just different browsers etc.
                      The other problem I see is that your pages aren't centred. You have probably built your pages to suit YOUR screen resolution and it fills your whole screen. When viewed at my resolution (1280x960) your pages are all to the left side and I have a blank space filled by your background, on the right side. Remedy, Go to page properties in your BV pages and tick the box to center the page, save & publish.
                      To see how your pages look in other browsers etc. visit and type in the full url address for any of your pages you want to test in other browsers and Operating systems. Only problem with it is that you only see whatever fits on the screen.
                      Visit this site and you can check other things about your page construction and you'll also have access to a photo optimization tool on line that is very handy.
                      Just one more comment. I'd like to have seen you use navaldesign's )fellow vodatalk member) php solution to building a page template using html boxes, locking them into position so every page using the template has items in exactly the same place. See thread here. With your pages, when you flick from one to another, your left menu, your Nav bar etc. all move slightly and this looks unprofessional, (sorry - don't take that to heart).
                      I have not shown my site on here before as it is still under construction, but if you visit it, you will see what I've achieved using his method. If I want to edit something, the change is globally done on ALL pages using it. I still have lots of pages to add and therefore some links in the menu aren't connected yet.
                      If I can be of any help on these matters, you can contact me direct. I want you to do well!!! :)


                      • Meanderer

                        • Aug 2007
                        • 324

                        Re: My Images

                        @ pioneerViki,

                        I also noted that you have a link to on the bottom of each page. I'm very sceptical about these types of links. I've read other threads (not mentioning this particular one) that indicate that these "Viral marketing" campaigns have a very adverse affect on your search engine credibility. Some even get you banned on SE's. Do a search about increasing traffic on this VodaTalk forum. Also, I suggest you start a new thread in "search engine forum" asking for comments about THIS particular one.


                        • pioneerVicki
                          First Lieutenant

                          • Jun 2007
                          • 180

                          Re: My Images

                          Thanks for the tips. I had the jewellery photos to maximum size; they looked better, but they were loading way, way too slow on my computer. How was the speed on yours? I use lightbox for most things; but the gallery frame, just seemed to improve them out of sight in my opinion.
                          I have tried a number of things to protect my images; so far the watermarks are the best things; I have used right click protection in the past; but I am asurred it is a waste of time. There are 1,000,000 ideas as to what works best in way of photo protection.
                          As noted the page set-up looks just fine in my computer; but I have been getting reports that it doesn't in others. I will certainly follow up your suggestions & links above.
                          As for the php advise - apart from the fact I could not get anyone to tell me how to make a TEMPLET in php (I finally figured out how it had to be done after re-reading things dozens of times) - is please go to & you will see what I want each page to look like. After the site was published things didn't line up how I liked, I experimented with a couple of pages moving html boxes a bit, but still couldn't get them right. The site was built using the same templet - I have moved the menu bar html box on a few pages, but only a few. Why there are the differences I don't know. I surprised myself that the php worked first try!


                          • Vasili

                            • Mar 2006
                            • 14683

                            Re: My Images

                            LOL ..... just remember to collect "tips & tricks" from those who know what they are talking about, and after knocking about a bit yourself, you will find that collecting good advice is not a way of cutting corners as much as it is adding wider perspectives to understand the bigger picture!
                            . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                            * Success Is Potential Realized *


                            • pioneerVicki
                              First Lieutenant

                              • Jun 2007
                              • 180

                              Re: My Images

                              The problem is when you start you can't always see the 'big picture'. All you can see is the immediate problem you face. Also you can't always be aware of future problems you can be causing youself. eg. as I rebuilt the art site while it was still live on another server & only re-directed after I had a reasonably number of pages built I couldn't quite appreciate the problem if the html boxes weren't quite in the right place on my templete.
                              Back to the big picture. Checking browershots I have a major problem with the H1 tag being all over the place in different browers. I will have to get some advice about that. (At least the pictures looked fine in everything!) The lines running over look a mess, but if I change the font that should fix that problem.
                              Now to be checking all my pages in browershots!!! Thanks for the tip folks, at least I should get the problems fixed.....eventually!

