Linking images in a gallery or in a table

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  • KLV
    Private First Class

    • Dec 2007
    • 7

    Linking images in a gallery or in a table

    1) I have created a table to insert images so they are nicely aligned. It look great but I don't seem to have access to the link tool when the image is in a cell. I need to link it to a larger image with text details.

    2) So I went a different route and brought images in my template 1 by 1. I do have access to the links but it is hard to align the images.

    Which is the best way, as I do need access to links to enlarged images?

    3) If I am linking an image to the same website ie a enlarged images... which Target do I use?
    Could you kindly answer each one of these questions. It will help me greatly.
  • mrmagoo144
    Brigadier General

    • Feb 2007
    • 1369

    Re: Linking images in a gallery or in a table

    BV has a great tool called lightbox - when you click on the image lets say you chose 200 x 200 it will bring up the master image which may be 600 x 450. the tool is on the left side and just make sure your master images are all the same size, such as 600 x 450. That way all the images will align well from left to right and top to bottom. you can also have a border for each image as well as some type. Also you will not have to worry about the target. If you want to have a separte image then make your target self if each image page has linking capabilitites similar to your home page or blank if you want to open the larger image with a new window. The least number of windows that your customers open, the better it is, but you don't want your customers to be taken out of your site.
    hope this helps
    an example of light box is


    • KLV
      Private First Class

      • Dec 2007
      • 7

      Re: Linking images in a gallery or in a table

      I am creating an art website based on my current website at :

      I have done most of my pages with 3 (16 image) pages.
      (the pages are called: artwork one, artwork two and artwork three)

      All the images are linked to my url/name_of_image.html

      I am now creating a template for the enlarged images so that when we double click on the small images the larger one opens up. that is where I can give price sizes and email links to the Art Galleries that have the original paintings in hand (by inserting an email of theirs and linking it)

      MY Question:
      On the enlarged image page; when I right click to properties, I am asked 2 things:

      1) the url. Is the url ex: or ex:

      2) the target
      do I use blank, self, parent or top?

      3) How can I links back to the artwork one, two, and three pages from the enlarged page?

      Could you answer all 3 questions quickly as I need to finish my website and publish it ASAP
      Thank you Kindly


      • Bethers
        Major General & Forum Moderator

        • Feb 2006
        • 5224

        Re: Linking images in a gallery or in a table

        1. Where do you want this to go when they click - that would be the url you use (I don't know so can't say the correct answer)

        2. How do you want the page to open? If you are simply opening the image in a larger picture, then select blank and it will open in it's own page on top of the current page and when they close it, they will still be on your page. If you want them to go to another page, then leave this blank and it will open the new page here.

        3. If you are opening the picture only in a larger image and using blank - then there is no need to do this - as they will still be on the page.

        I don't use the lightbox but usually the gallery feature - and you can see an example here:

        Hope this helps - but I'm just slightly confused how you are using it - so can't give a definitive answer.
        A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

        SEO and Marketing Tools
        SEO - The Basics


        • dankc908
          Second Lieutenant

          • Dec 2007
          • 131

          Re: Linking images in a gallery or in a table

          OK - I've been playing with both the gallery and Lightbox. I have reduced my image to 61x125 from an original of 186x378. In both of the above I am trying to have a larger image show up in a pop-up window. Most of it works OK except that both the gallery/lightbox image and the 'pop-up' image are the same size. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong (duh!). Can anyone point me in the right direction?


          "'Tis better to be silent and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt." (A. Lincoln)


          • Bethers
            Major General & Forum Moderator

            • Feb 2006
            • 5224

            Re: Linking images in a gallery or in a table

            It can't bring the image up larger than you put in it. So when using this feature, you want the image you use to be the size you want it in the LARGER pop-up. Then when you use the Gallery, you tell it to make the smaller image a thumbnail (to speed up loading time).

            Right now, the popup is showing the largest size you put in - which is the same size.
            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

            SEO and Marketing Tools
            SEO - The Basics

