Fonts on published page

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  • 808dinah

    • Jan 2008
    • 25

    Fonts on published page

    I just published my site today. It was so much fun even though I had my share of frustrations along the way! Now I see that it has a few problems I need help with. First of all, I know the tutorials recommended against using fonts that may not be viewable on all computers, and sure enough the cute font I used for "Mutt Makeovers" in my banners is showing up in plain-jane letters on my daughter's computer EXCEPT for the one on the comments page. If a computer recognizes the font on that one page, why doesn't it recognize it on the others? and what is the remedy? Also, my menu buttons are not showing, only the words (Home, Price List, Photos, etc.) They never showed in my worksheet either, but were always there in the preview browser, so I didn't worry about it. Anyone have some advice?
  • mrmagoo144
    Brigadier General

    • Feb 2007
    • 1369

    Re: Fonts on published page

    hello; cute site, your menu buttons are showing up on my computor. the way i overcame the font issue was to make that part of the image as an image of its own and put the letters on a transparent background. An example of this is: - i wanted a special font and knew that it would not look the same for everyone so i just made it part of my image. In your case you could take the Mutt Makeovers and put this on a transparent background and import it as an image. I have a transparent background if you need one. in this case the image would only be the size of your Mutt Makeovers in the font you want.
    let me know if you would like the transparent image to work with. you can contact me through my website or just put your request here


    • 808dinah

      • Jan 2008
      • 25

      Re: Fonts on published page

      Thanks Magoo for the response; that sounds like a feasible remedy, but I will have my work cut out for me because that font is sprinkled throughout my website. You are my first ever responder to my first ever thread, so mind if I ask you another question? I noticed the text on my comments page banner at the top of the page has slight white shadows whereas none of the other pages look like this. I realize a possible problem; I have inadvertantly published two identical pages, one named guest.bvp and another I named comment.bvp (its a long story but I cloned a page and then changed my mind, I thought I deleted it, but obviously not) What kind of mess have I created, and what should I do? I have more questions, but I think I can solve them on my own....


      • mrmagoo144
        Brigadier General

        • Feb 2007
        • 1369

        Re: Fonts on published page

        remember you have copy and paste so you may not have too much work with that font. I had quite a bit but once you had the originals done the rest are just copying. also you have to work for what you want.
        good luck.
        Sorry to say i see the white shadow on all your type in your header. i will take your picture and look at in my software to see why and will answer you tomorrow.


        • mrmagoo144
          Brigadier General

          • Feb 2007
          • 1369

          Re: Fonts on published page

          when i look at your header it looks like you magic wand the type. do you have this font or are you taking out the background?
          i have worked on your M only and you can see a big improvement. with the white showing. If you had this font available then it would be an easier job. the link to look at is:

          jsut let me know what you think


          • Bethers
            Major General & Forum Moderator

            • Feb 2006
            • 5224

            Re: Fonts on published page

            Just remember, if you make the words part of the image, they will not be read by se's or by computers that have images turned off. I don't recommend doing that for much other than banners/headers on a site.
            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

            SEO and Marketing Tools
            SEO - The Basics


            • 808dinah

              • Jan 2008
              • 25

              Re: Fonts on published page

     be honest mrmagoo, I checked out your site after your first advice expecting to see a link to some download that would solve my problem, but I didn't really understand what I was looking for. I searched the forum again and ran across a comment from Mwalsh62 that said to highlight the text and save it as a .gif image, so I did that and it worked. But now I see Bethers is advising against that because it won't show up on computers with image turned off (why would anybody do that??) I'm going to pursue your advice magoo; what do you think Bethers? I respect you two's knowledge WAY more than I trust my own!



              • Bethers
                Major General & Forum Moderator

                • Feb 2006
                • 5224

                Re: Fonts on published page

                Well, how important are the words you're putting into images for you being found on the web? If they are your keywords, then the se's won't see them - and you'll not be getting the searches you might want. If they aren't important, then it won't matter.

                Lots and lots of people surf from handheld devices today - where they might go text only. Then you have people with disablities - where the screen is "read" for them - where these won't be read.

                The thing is - you are limiting your audience - and again, if these are important words for the se's, they will not see them - and putting me in as an alt tag is NOT the same.

                Images being used for headers - yes. There are places for it. As text on the pages, it should not be used.

                Just looked at your site - you'd be smart to have an image made for your header - you could give yourself a much more professional look :)

                Note: Glad to see Eskies on your list of dogs :) - but how can you do a "full groom" on an Eskie, when you should never cut their fur? (yes, I know some do - and maybe cuz you're in Hawaii, it would be ok LOL - but it's never recommended.)
                A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                SEO and Marketing Tools
                SEO - The Basics


                • mrmagoo144
                  Brigadier General

                  • Feb 2007
                  • 1369

                  Re: Fonts on published page

                  i put the post showing the difference with just the "M" in your header. your file was saved as a gif file and the cloud of white is from the outside the letter after you cut out the background. the link is:
                  Just look at the M of yours and the M i cleaned up a bit.
                  Do you have the font on your hard drive?as this looks like you took the title and magic wand the background and saved it as a gif file.
                  Ps i agree with Bethers, but since you have this as your header it will work. the rest of your type could just be a web accepted font.


                  • 808dinah

                    • Jan 2008
                    • 25

                    Re: Fonts on published page

                    Hi again,
                    I learned something ELSE new today -- editing a post won't work after 15 minutes! LOL I had amended my post this am (5 min. too late) to say that I got the "offending" font from the drop down font menu on the BV builder. Guess its NOT safe to assume they are all "web accepted" as you say. But thank you Magoo, for taking time to work on a solution and paint out the white to demonstrate. I've decided to keep the headers, white shadow or not, as images and convert the other spots back to text for the sake of neatness. I'm not real concerned with search engine exposure, I just to be able to refer local inquirers to a website to check out the price list and see sample grooms. Although, it would be neat if someone planning to move to Kona with their dog would Google "Dog groomers in hawaii" and get our site!....but the whole "meta tag" and "bot" thing is going to take some studying on my part. Good thing I'm retired!!!
                    And Bethers, my daughter said she agrees about the Eskies, she had never had anyone request a full groom until she got to Hawaii. She added it to her list after that. Thanks again you two, I'll be moving on now....



                    • Bethers
                      Major General & Forum Moderator

                      • Feb 2006
                      • 5224

                      Re: Fonts on published page

                      The fonts on your web builder will be all the fonts on your computer - There are only a few safe fonts.

                      And remember - people local to you will find you by the web also - so it is important in the long run.

                      Glad to hear your daughter didn't hear of that before. I had someone shave the chest of my eskie once - it took almost 4 years for her hair to grow back properly - and she loved winter and cold- we lived in Wisconsin - and I had to limit her time outside much more than she liked. I was soooo furious when they did that - and I had only asked them to bathe her. We never went back there again. I don't think she would have been happy in Hawaii - but I sure would - I like the warm weather :)

                      Good luck on your business and your website. And your daughter is very lucky that you're doing this for her in your retirement!
                      A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                      SEO and Marketing Tools
                      SEO - The Basics


                      • 808dinah

                        • Jan 2008
                        • 25

                        Re: Fonts on published page

                        Thanks for the comeback Bethers. I will be working on getting all my headers and the other sprinklings of text that I converted to image back to text again. There sure is a lot of tweaking involved in this game isn't there! Does it ever end?

                        Now I have a question for Mrmagoo I hope he will respond to. I googled "mutt makeovers" out of curiosity today and was so excited to see it on the first page, but oddly mrmagoo's videopostcard site was associated with it, I guess from when he was helping me solve my white shadow problem.... My excitement turned to horror when I opened it to see a messed up rough draft version of my index page staring back at me linked to How did this happen, I'm so confused and sure would like to get it off of there! Any help??



                        • Bethers
                          Major General & Forum Moderator

                          • Feb 2006
                          • 5224

                          Re: Fonts on published page

                          Oh, that won't stay there long, so don't worry about it - the se's just picked up that page. I never post my temporary pages anywhere that se's can pick them up - hoping to avoid that - and chances are he'll be getting rid of that and that will mean that over time it will come out of the se index.

                          And your site comes up in the first 4 - chances are most people will never see what he did.
                          A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                          SEO and Marketing Tools
                          SEO - The Basics


                          • Bethers
                            Major General & Forum Moderator

                            • Feb 2006
                            • 5224

                            Re: Fonts on published page

                            I deleted the thread to mrmagoo - as it's already addressed here. And it's not something to worry about as I stated above. Yes, an annoyance - but it too will pass - and hopefully he'll see this and delete that page - but that won't stop it from showing on google for awhile.
                            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

                            SEO and Marketing Tools
                            SEO - The Basics

