Another Copyright Question

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  • timpwiley

    • Apr 2008
    • 4

    Another Copyright Question

    Can you copyright the website idea itself. Once I get mine up and going I'm pretty sure that some of the bigger corps will want to snag it and run with it. I'd like to protect my whole concept to prevent being run over by the big dogs.

    Thanks in advance!
  • CarbonTerry
    Major General

    • Oct 2005
    • 2620

    Re: Another Copyright Question

    A copyright and/or a patent is a valuable concept. However, the only rights that are provided is the right to initiate a court action. If a big dog decides to snag your idea there will be little you can do about it because they have lawyers on staff that will cover you with paperwork for years to come.
    I have several patents. I have to have patent insurance ($4000 per year per patent...can you believe that?) as the average patent suit is in the area of $200,000. The insurance has a 20% co-pay!!!!!
    I'm not sure that a copyright suit would be that expensive. However, you can see where I am headed on this.
    You should see an attorney on this before you publish. Once an idea is published it is in public domain.
    Semper Fi
    Still green...still mean......just not as lean

    Red Hawk Archery
    Zone 5 Photo
    My USMC


    • timpwiley

      • Apr 2008
      • 4

      Re: Another Copyright Question

      Thanks! Kinda thought that. More trouble than it's worth or that I can afford. Yet another reason I need to have it ready to go before I get it online. Hit it hard and hit it fast. Maybe I can stay ahead of them to grab the corner of the market that I'll be shooting for.

      I wish BlueVoda had a test server set up that could be used to tweak everything up before going live.


      • CarbonTerry
        Major General

        • Oct 2005
        • 2620

        Re: Another Copyright Question

        You should still attach a copyright notice to your site.
        Semper Fi
        Still green...still mean......just not as lean

        Red Hawk Archery
        Zone 5 Photo
        My USMC


        • Watdaflip
          Major General

          • Sep 2005
          • 2116

          Re: Another Copyright Question

          You can put a password on your site so you can test it.

          The best defense against this is a good offense... that is do it better then they will. If you have the first site that provides are service and you provide it better then any other site that comes along you should be able to keep a fair share of the market.

          Register/Login Script
          Do you use a Password Protected Directory? Need a way to allow users to make their own account, try my .htaccess Login Script


          • zuriatman

            • Sep 2006
            • 3025

            Re: Another Copyright Question


            Publish your website and post a thread here
            So we can review it to see whether it is worth stealing?

            If we are not interested I am sure you have no worries.

            Anyway the big boys have big bucks to employ the best designers
            in the business I am positive they wont be interested in yours.

            By the way do you know how may hundred millions of websites there
            are on the internet?

            I bet if you dont give us the Url, we wont be able to find your
            website anyway.
            Malaysian Family Tree Website From the
            State of Johor.



            • pioneerVicki
              First Lieutenant

              • Jun 2007
              • 180

              Re: Another Copyright Question

              Anything any individual writes (or creates) is copyrighted. Technically this is. It's very hard to inforce copyright on ideas. Also it can be difficult to even prove that your idea is unique. How many of the millions of websites have you checked to prove that NO-ONE has one anything like yours?


              • timpwiley

                • Apr 2008
                • 4

                Re: Another Copyright Question

                A password cover is a good idea. I like that. Thanks whatdaflip

                I've researched it extensively. Found a couple close, but not too close.


                • Vasili

                  • Mar 2006
                  • 14683

                  Re: Another Copyright Question

                  Originally posted by timpwiley View Post
                  Can you copyright the website idea itself. Once I get mine up and going I'm pretty sure that some of the bigger corps will want to snag it and run with it. I'd like to protect my whole concept to prevent being run over by the big dogs. Thanks in advance!
                  You cannot copyright a "whole website" idea or design itself (unless it is a 'template' being offered for sale or license, in whole or part, for then it would constitute a "graphic design" which is afforded protection).

                  If you believe you have a novel "idea" (business concept), then as a 'methodology' or 'recognizable system or method of delivery or service rendering' it both becomes an intellectual asset or a potential Service Mark, both of which can be Registered formally (certainly worth the less than $400 to have the ® or SM present on your site where appropriate to indicate your intent to protect your rights which is supported by the US Government as a deterrant).
                  >> Keep in mind, however, that when trying to 'protect' a methodology or means of performing a business operation (an idea, or novel way of doing what you do) and basing that presupposition into a considerable/demonstrable "intellectual asset" (which clearly has legal support not just from the USPTO, but also by The Federal Uniform Business Commercial Code and various State Laws), it must be based on prior use/action/history .... in other words, only after you have documentable proof that your "idea" has been in effect for more than 120 days and has actually been 'integral' to a function or further developments (or has resulted in a transaction, income, or been otherwise documented as a valued element in an ongoing enterprise) can the claim of an indentifiable "asset" be asserted, lifting it from the realm of merely an abstract idea.

                  As Terry mentions, there are many aspects of proper business planning and preparation to consider, all of which are part of being responsible and capable -- doing your 'due diligence' is one of the most transparent characteristics that identify you (or your business) as worthy of protection under the law: inasmuch as you have made the effort to plan, document, and comply with the law and Best Practices, you "qualify" for redress and recouse under the same law. Most of the time I find the majority simply have lofty ideas with no reasoned manner in which to either engage them or refine them toward a more evolved model that is worthy of such matriculation ....... but that is merely my observation!

                  Nothing can replace a proper Business Plan (there are tons of resources online to draw upon), and a website should never be considered anyting less than a bona-fide business (since you are "publishing" to a public audience, exposing yourself to liabilities and potentialities both). Be sure you have a cognizant and relevant set of Policies on your website, which will be your first source of credibility and your first basis of recourse.

                  None of the information posted in this forum should be considered legal advice or be the basis for any actions that may have been inspired: you need to do your homework in a serious and detailed manner to assure yourself that your vision has been satisfactorily addressed.

                  ....and on we go!
                  . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                  * Success Is Potential Realized *


                  • Vasili

                    • Mar 2006
                    • 14683

                    Re: Another Copyright Question

                    Originally posted by *******Vicki View Post
                    1. Anything any individual writes (or creates) is copyrighted. Technically this is. It's very hard to inforce copyright on ideas. 2. Also it can be difficult to even prove that your idea is unique. How many of the millions of websites have you checked to prove that NO-ONE has one anything like yours?
                    1. Not True. You must comply with the guidelines of pre-eminence and first use as outlined by the USPTO.

                    2. Not True.The laws regarding "intellectual assets" are quite clear, and the basic understandings are outlined above to underscore the minimum efforts required for both compliance and establishment thereof.
                    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                    * Success Is Potential Realized *


                    • CarbonTerry
                      Major General

                      • Oct 2005
                      • 2620

                      Re: Another Copyright Question

                      Good Stuff V
                      Semper Fi
                      Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                      Red Hawk Archery
                      Zone 5 Photo
                      My USMC


                      • timpwiley

                        • Apr 2008
                        • 4

                        Re: Another Copyright Question

                        Thank you V. Lots of good info to consider. Makes a good reference for others at least...

