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I need help with adding images

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  • I need help with adding images

    My website is

    1) I understand how to add images to the site, what I don't understand is how to add images near text. Do I break the text into smaller blocks instead of just one block and place it near the image or is there a way to add an image to a text block?

    I checked the tutorials and the forums and don't see my question anywhere, which might mean that I am just not getting it when it is explained so please be patient with me.

    Thanks in advance
    sigpic Darla

  • #2
    Re: I need help with adding images

    I looked at your website the way you are placing the images they look fine. If you keep doing what you have done so far right now your site looks awesome very well done just some of your images need to be resized with a pix resizer to bring down the kbs they take a while to load
    Funny Jokes and Redneck Pics

    "laughter is the best medicine"
    The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings


    • #3
      Re: I need help with adding images

      Hi ditto with jkadin, the pages is over 6000kb & would be nice around the 200 mark.
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • #4
        Re: I need help with adding images

        Thanks both of you, that suggestion was extrememly helpful as I didn't realize I should resize the photos. Now that you have suggested it, I get it - and once again reealize how bad my training from the provider I spent so much for was so inadequate I am so glad I found Vodahost. thanks again!
        sigpic Darla


        • #5
          Re: I need help with adding images

          Your quite welcome anytime you get into a jam just post it in the right part of the forum you will get the help you need. Good luck.
          Funny Jokes and Redneck Pics

          "laughter is the best medicine"
          The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~e.e. cummings

