Image problems

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  • Axeman

    • May 2008
    • 31

    Image problems

    Hey, guys,

    Does anybody know why the images that display on the pages of my website would occasionally pull up images that are designated for other pages? Yes, the images are ones that have been published to the folder that pertains to this particular website, but images that come up are periodically not the ones that should. It only happens on occasion, but it is very troubling because text placed over the top of the image can't be read if the image changes in the background. Please help.


  • D'son
    Major General

    • Apr 2008
    • 2577

    Re: Image problems

    Need a link to see what you are talking about
    How to add JAlbum to your site


    • Collectors-info

      • Feb 2006
      • 8703

      Re: Image problems

      You might get a problem if you have cut & pasted from one page to another.
      Regards Chris.

      Collectables, Collecting,

      House build project


      • Axeman

        • May 2008
        • 31

        Re: Image problems

        Thanks for your replies. It's really incomplete with only minimal working hyperlinks but the link is However, that won't necessarily tell you what images are supposed to be there. Chris, can you tell me more about why cutting and pasting could affect this? Thank you, guys!



        • Collectors-info

          • Feb 2006
          • 8703

          Re: Image problems

          Hi, cant quite remember the reason. But quite a few had problems with cutting (lets say) a 600x400 image from 1 page & pasting it onto a new page, then resizing with the handles to? 300x200. The images would get distorted. But this was more when the mouse was used for the cut & paste, & not when it was done via the main menu.
          Regards Chris.

          Collectables, Collecting,

          House build project


          • D'son
            Major General

            • Apr 2008
            • 2577

            Re: Image problems

            I can see all your images (on the pages I found), if you are unabel to see the you may want to check you hot link protection is off.
            How to add JAlbum to your site


            • CarbonTerry
              Major General

              • Oct 2005
              • 2620

              Re: Image problems

              The problem can occur when you use 2 images that have the same name even if they are on 2 different pages.
              Lets say you have image abc.jpeg on your index page and you use the same name abc.jpeg that is a different image on your about page.
              Unless you use the option to label images using the page name as a prefix the last abc.jpeg will overwrite the other posting because the images are being posted to the public_html folder and not 2 seperate folders.
              Semper Fi
              Still green...still mean......just not as lean

              Red Hawk Archery
              Zone 5 Photo
              My USMC


              • Axeman

                • May 2008
                • 31

                Re: Image problems

                I am still having this problem. I have gone back and renamed each and every picture on every page to be page-specific. The problem is each page on my site is themed and needs the correct image to be pulled up. Also, I have colorized the text over each picture to fit over a specific background. If the background changes, I lose the effect and sometimes the text becomes unreadable. Thanks for any insight. There's gotta be a simple fix for it.......I hope!


                • CarbonTerry
                  Major General

                  • Oct 2005
                  • 2620

                  Re: Image problems

                  I am not sure of the problem as you explain it. To me, it sounds as if the problem is with your text and its background?
                  There are other problems too. Your photos are way TOO BIG electronically.
                  The photo of the lake in the screen capture (see link) is 178kb when it could easily be 17kb! This holds true with all photos on your site. It will take forever to load each page for dial up users.
                  I am viewing your site in FireFox. Your text for the navigation buttons has shifted down to almost disappear. The text should be incorporated into the button rather than an overlay.
                  Screen Shot

                  Also none of the alt tags (see image properties) are named.
                  As you can see by the inserted box your images are not named to be page specific. That is unless you have a clear gif inserted over the original image which is a complete waste of time.
                  Semper Fi
                  Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                  Red Hawk Archery
                  Zone 5 Photo
                  My USMC


                  • Axeman

                    • May 2008
                    • 31

                    Re: Image problems

                    Thank you for responding. I see now how to add names for alternate text. How do I resize pix without having to start over and add all of the effects and sizing that I have done for each one already in BV?


                    • CarbonTerry
                      Major General

                      • Oct 2005
                      • 2620

                      Re: Image problems

                      Unfortunately, you will have to edit the photos (please read this link) and re-insert into your pages.
                      Here's the link to the software.
                      Semper Fi
                      Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                      Red Hawk Archery
                      Zone 5 Photo
                      My USMC


                      • Axeman

                        • May 2008
                        • 31

                        Re: Image problems

                        Ok. I was afraid you were gonna say that. Thank you for your help. I'll chime back in if these steps don't fix the problem.


                        • Axeman

                          • May 2008
                          • 31

                          Re: Image problems

                          Alright, I went back and added alt text to every shape and image on my site. I haven't resized the pix yet since I am more concerned about having them show up correctly first. Since I have placed alt text on images I think that the problem has grown worse. I even have images showing up now where there should be a shape only without an image. Any other ideas?


                          • Axeman

                            • May 2008
                            • 31

                            Re: Image problems

                            Here's another question. Why do images that I have named and provided alt text for show up as something different (such as bv01039 as an example) on blue FTP instead of being uploaded with the name I gave them? This is even after deleting all files in FTP and starting over by republishing everything.


                            • CarbonTerry
                              Major General

                              • Oct 2005
                              • 2620

                              Re: Image problems

                              Open your BV web Builder and go to Tools/Options and open the Publish tab.
                              Click on the box in "Images" to use the page name as a prefix. OK
                              Are you certain that you are not using duplicate image names for different photos/shapes?
                              Re publish a couple of the problem pages after making the changes above and see if the problem is resolved.
                              Semper Fi
                              Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                              Red Hawk Archery
                              Zone 5 Photo
                              My USMC

