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Problem with template

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  • Problem with template

    I have just published a three page web site. They were all built from the same template, however, on the page titled Picture Gallery the top and bottom of the page are deeper than the other two pages.
    I have rebuilt it several times and republished but nothing works. Any ideas!!

  • #2
    Re: Problem with template

    Simply move your "white page area" UP until it is at the same height as the other pages.

    This is indicated by clicking on it once to "select" and noting the page position in the "X-Y Axis" tool in the bottom right of your BlueVoda Workpane.

    I understand what it is now .... you are not using separate "shapes" to construct your page background (blue background + white shapes + blue "lines" to cross over them all, etc.) but are "stretching" one single image to the height you require (2300 pixels) ...... Because you are stretching the single image, it will deform proportionately, and the top and bottom blue margins naturally increase to "balance" the depth that is not normal: you need to re-create your page background using single elements with no borders and integrated design, so when you "stretch" both the blue shape and the overlaying white shape, they do not deform......

    For a practical illustration, visit this page >
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

