While doing some search engine submitting and
google browsing I came across this site.
I only found it yesterday so I can not personally
say that they do as they say but I have decided to
give it a try, the results will speak for themselves
I suppose.
This is what they say on their site:
Get #1 Spot On Google And 39 Other Search Engines For F*REE!
This FREE offer only exists while we are BETA testing
our service. Try it now for FREE before we release the
‘paid for service’.
You have to submit 5 keywords and they rank you on them
It costs nothing to give it a try so I thought "why not"
Anyway here is the site, if you want to give it a try then
I hope it works for you
Will post my results when I get them
While doing some search engine submitting and
google browsing I came across this site.
I only found it yesterday so I can not personally
say that they do as they say but I have decided to
give it a try, the results will speak for themselves
I suppose.
This is what they say on their site:
Get #1 Spot On Google And 39 Other Search Engines For F*REE!
This FREE offer only exists while we are BETA testing
our service. Try it now for FREE before we release the
‘paid for service’.
You have to submit 5 keywords and they rank you on them
It costs nothing to give it a try so I thought "why not"
Anyway here is the site, if you want to give it a try then
I hope it works for you
Will post my results when I get them