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Which FaceBook Button to use?

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  • KJay_34
    Re: Which FaceBook Button to use?

    I see what you mean, and have to admit that I like the FaceBook icon you have on your site, much more than I like the "Lke" Button I currently have installed on mine.

    Since FaceBook isn't exactly a Search Engine like Google, is it safe to say that it doesn't really matter which Button (link) you have installed for FaceBook, as long as there is one there? (From an SEO viewpoint)

    My site needs all the help it can get to boost my rankings - I make and sell candles, and let's face it, there are countless candle sites out there, so I need to move my spot a bit further up the food chain. lol

    And for kicks and giggles, is the FaceBook Icon HTML Code available in the same Developers Tools section where you get the "Like" Button code?

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  • Vasili
    Re: Which FaceBook Button to use?

    Personally, I use a Facebook icon to provide a link to the FB Page, where people can 'Like" it or not themselves (why shouldn't they, if they already spent the effort to navigate from the site to the Page?) since I already have the "FB Share" function provided along with all the other "Share" choices via my AddThis button (the orange 'Plus' icon) .... which "shares" individual pages/URL's/content.

    You can see what I mean HERE, even though I have not yet installed the "+1" button as I intend to do during the entire site completion this weekend.

    I have merely minimalized the functions and relied on Consumer Free Will to do what they want, how they want, if they want by not overlapping functions and compromnising layout appeal. I want a link to the FB Page, a Share tool, and will be adding the "+1" button before it becomes 'required' only because I know people will use the tools they are familiar with and expect to see, and God help me if I deny them the ability to choose and express themselves. Which is why I included my own icon to lead them to "More Luxury" sites for them to fall in love with as soon as I can scramble and finish THEM!

    Bottom Line Is This: More people will continue to use FB as a means of personal engagement, of a method for them to move themselves across the Net and to define their interaction with others as well as display their favorites to friends, thus creating their own metric. Google +1 is much different, however, as the engagement itself (emprically) creates not only a trend metric, but a means of measurability for Google to create a reliable value to not only the reportable trends but to the motivator itself (the website), and that is the newer formula that they will rely upon to create more reliable and predictable values for websites themselves: they are shifting their "trust" back to people to decide what sites are more important, the drivers, and the source of trends. It's people they are interested influencing after all, so what better method than letting the people rope themselves in?
    So, from a SEO perspective, the Google +1 will be forever inextricably tied to site value (the compelling reason to include it on your website) and social trending and the +1 community will most likely be the lesser favored "social platform" due only to the ingrained habits of people to resist the prompt to eschew what they know first, what they know best (FB). Which is why Google limited the +1 function to a simple recommendation as opposed to a "Sharing" vehicle ...

    Know what I mean, JellyBean???

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  • KJay_34
    started a topic Which FaceBook Button to use?

    Which FaceBook Button to use?

    Ok, I got the Google +1 working, and am currently working on FaceBook Buttons. I've started adding the "Like" Button to my site, and when I tested it I realized that the "Like" Button is good for the entire site instead of individual pages.

    My question is this: Which is more beneficial to my website - having the "Like" Button, which is good for the whole site (Once clicked on one page, you can't click it again on any other page) or the little "f" Button such as the one you see on posts here on the forum which appears to be good for individual pages?

    At this point, I'm more interested in SEO than anything else... I'll be putting customer recommendations on my site anyway, so having individual products "Liked" isn't really an issue.

    Any thoughts?