Is 3 way linking to trick google?

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  • karel
    Brigadier General

    • Feb 2006
    • 1178

    Is 3 way linking to trick google?

    I received this email the other day and would like people's opinion on if the person is trying to cheat the system and use me for his own benefits. I know little about the rights and wrongs and the whole 3 way linking thing, so I thought I would ask on here.

    I hope it is o.k to include the url's! The first is a page rank of 4 and very much on topic, the other is page rank of 5 and not as much on topic, my page rank is a 4.

    If the guy is trying black hat techniques then I will ignore it. Just some advice needed really.

    I have found your website when searching the web on the topics related to my website theme.I must say your site content is very good and I think we would benefit much from possible partnership for three way link exchange. As you probably already know, three way link popularity is a major factor in getting a site noticed by the search engines and getting traffic onto that site. An additional link would help both you and us to get more traffic.

    My website is definitely related to yours.

    I would be glad to link to your site content page in return to our linking
    back to mine another site

    Feel free to email me direct to +++++++ to discuss the details on the possible partnership.
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  • davidundalicia

    • Mar 2006
    • 6294

    Re: Is 3 way linking to trick google?

    Hi Karel,

    yes this is a black hat technique.(google dosnt like it...)

    It would be better if you just went for a reciprical link with the site that is related to yours....................
    Have fun
    Regards..... David

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    • Mook25
      Brigadier General

      • Oct 2005
      • 1427

      Re: Is 3 way linking to trick google?

      If you linked with this person and Google caught on there is a possibilit they could ban you from the search engine so best steer clear. As david says one way or reciprical links are the way to go.
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      • Bethers
        Major General & Forum Moderator

        • Feb 2006
        • 5224

        Re: Is 3 way linking to trick google?

        Actually, it is not black hat and you won't be penalized. BUT it's very difficult to keep track of and won't really do you more good. The best links are one-way links done because people want to link to you. Reciprocal links won't really do much for your ranking or showing you in search results anymore, but they will help a tad - and they can, if done correctly, bring you traffic - which can mean sales and which does relate to the search engines as a worthy site.
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        • karel
          Brigadier General

          • Feb 2006
          • 1178

          Re: Is 3 way linking to trick google?

          Just to follow up, I understand a little more now of what he is trying to achieve here. O.k this is todays email after I said of my concerns.

          Hai Paul

          Now days bots are not giving more importance to the links which are
          present in the links page. Search bots are considering very less value for
          the links page. So that we offering you a content page link.I will place
          your site link here in our link back site content page of

          So we both will get one way link which is valued higher by search-engines.
          Content page link exchange will be healthy than a links page link
          exchange. If you interested,add our link & mail back with your details.
          Already i sent you our link details.

          Best regards


          Should I go ahead or leave it, I am a little confused if it is good for me or not.

          Regards Paul

          The U.K's largest independent site for help with Anxiety and Panic issues.

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          • Bethers
            Major General & Forum Moderator

            • Feb 2006
            • 5224

            Re: Is 3 way linking to trick google?

            Actually, this person is correct - links on pages of the website (other than links and resoruces pages) but on actual informative pages - to a site that is of value and relates to that page - ARE given higher value.

            So, if the page he's saying he'll add you to is of value and relates to your site - and you are willing to add him to a content page, not a links page - then go for it. It's all in how you would have to do it - and if it could be done without detracting from your page.

            This is actually how se's like to see links. Not done contrived like this, but because you find them of value to your site users and add them onto pages for that purpose.
            A Child's Palace - Pinata Palace - Moxie Enterprises

            SEO and Marketing Tools
            SEO - The Basics


            • karel
              Brigadier General

              • Feb 2006
              • 1178

              Re: Is 3 way linking to trick google?

              Thanks Beth, It did become clearer when he sent this email, I suppose I just wanted you to come along and put my mind at rest. I have a good ranking now and don't want anything to hurt it or put it under threat.

              Thanks Paul
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