I received this email the other day and would like people's opinion on if the person is trying to cheat the system and use me for his own benefits. I know little about the rights and wrongs and the whole 3 way linking thing, so I thought I would ask on here.
I hope it is o.k to include the url's! The first is a page rank of 4 and very much on topic, the other is page rank of 5 and not as much on topic, my page rank is a 4.
If the guy is trying black hat techniques then I will ignore it. Just some advice needed really.
I have found your website http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk when searching the web on the topics related to my website theme.I must say your site content is very good and I think we would benefit much from possible partnership for three way link exchange. As you probably already know, three way link popularity is a major factor in getting a site noticed by the search engines and getting traffic onto that site. An additional link would help both you and us to get more traffic.
My website http://www.iampanicked.com is definitely related to yours.
I would be glad to link to your site content page in return to our linking
back to mine another site http://www.stressfocus.com.
Feel free to email me direct to +++++++ to discuss the details on the possible partnership.
I hope it is o.k to include the url's! The first is a page rank of 4 and very much on topic, the other is page rank of 5 and not as much on topic, my page rank is a 4.
If the guy is trying black hat techniques then I will ignore it. Just some advice needed really.
I have found your website http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk when searching the web on the topics related to my website theme.I must say your site content is very good and I think we would benefit much from possible partnership for three way link exchange. As you probably already know, three way link popularity is a major factor in getting a site noticed by the search engines and getting traffic onto that site. An additional link would help both you and us to get more traffic.
My website http://www.iampanicked.com is definitely related to yours.
I would be glad to link to your site content page in return to our linking
back to mine another site http://www.stressfocus.com.
Feel free to email me direct to +++++++ to discuss the details on the possible partnership.