I submitted 4 site maps to google.
My main site is http://www.thetradesjournal.com
I received errors as follows:
Sitemap typeWebFormatAtom FeedSubmittedSep 26, 2008Last downloaded by Google17 hours agoStatusErrorsTotal URLs in Sitemap0Indexed URLs in Sitemap Help
Sitemap errors and warnings
1URL not allowed
This url is not allowed for a Sitemap at this location. Help
Problem detected on:http://pentphedrplq.blogspot.com/2008/09/cameron-diaz-jack-black.html
Sep 28, 2008
I have no clue what this is. There were 8 of these.
Similar errors came up on the other 3 sites I submitted sitemaps for.
All are hosted on BV.
There were 2 other errors mentioned.
1) mailto: sales@ttj.com came up as an error.
When I publish and submit the sitemap, should I delete the mail to?
2) Since my domain name is long, when I linked my pages, I did not include www when I linked them. It said all pages without www. was not found(or something like that).
does anyone know how I can resolve this? do I have to go to every link and put in www?
Sorry if this is confusing, but I am lost. I also read everythinng about linking but I cannot find the answer. Advise is appreciated.
My main site is http://www.thetradesjournal.com
I received errors as follows:
Sitemap typeWebFormatAtom FeedSubmittedSep 26, 2008Last downloaded by Google17 hours agoStatusErrorsTotal URLs in Sitemap0Indexed URLs in Sitemap Help

Sitemap errors and warnings

This url is not allowed for a Sitemap at this location. Help

Problem detected on:http://pentphedrplq.blogspot.com/2008/09/cameron-diaz-jack-black.html
Sep 28, 2008
I have no clue what this is. There were 8 of these.
Similar errors came up on the other 3 sites I submitted sitemaps for.
All are hosted on BV.
There were 2 other errors mentioned.
1) mailto: sales@ttj.com came up as an error.
When I publish and submit the sitemap, should I delete the mail to?
2) Since my domain name is long, when I linked my pages, I did not include www when I linked them. It said all pages without www. was not found(or something like that).
does anyone know how I can resolve this? do I have to go to every link and put in www?
Sorry if this is confusing, but I am lost. I also read everythinng about linking but I cannot find the answer. Advise is appreciated.