Adsense Section Targeting

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  • dmx

    • Mar 2011
    • 4

    Adsense Section Targeting

    Hi guys,

    In order to get more relevant ads to my content from Google and increase my CTR I’ve found that I need to use ad sense section targeting. The comment tag that I have to use is:

    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->

    <!-- google_ad_section_end -->

    There are few things that there are not very clear to me so if somebody can help me I’ll be really thankful

    1. Where do I need to insert it? I’m using BlueVoda website builder.
    2. Do I have to write a short sentence between the tags or it has to be a short phrase from my article or something relevant to my title?
    3. Do I need to insert the code in to every single page of my web site in order to get more relevant ads served?

    Any help I’ll appreciated. Thanks in advance
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Adsense Section Targeting

    You post it into your page code (which you can do by pasting the code into each BV page's code using the EDITOR tool in your Control Panel afterr opening the file as shown in your FILE MANAGER) ... or, maybe highlighting the following will communicate this Google Introduction better for you (so you can not wait for an additional reply):

    To implement section targeting, you'll need to add a set of special HTML comment tags to your code. These tags will mark the beginning and end of whichever section(s) you'd like to emphasize or de-emphasize for ad targeting.
    The HTML tags to emphasize a page section take the following format:
    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->

    <!-- google_ad_section_end -->

    You can also designate sections you'd like to have ignored by adding a (weight=ignore) to the starting tag:
    <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->

    With these tags added to your HTML code, your final code may look like the following:
    <head><title>Section targeting</title></head>
    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->
    This shows the beginning of a 'section' and how the code identifies an end to a 'section' .This is the text of your webpage .... Most of your content resides here, thus a "section" is established.
    <!-- google_ad_section_end -->
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • dmx

      • Mar 2011
      • 4

      Re: Adsense Section Targeting

      Hi Vasili,

      The URL is

      Thanks in advance


      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: Adsense Section Targeting

        Sorry for the "Life Interruptus" ...

        This is example from your Index Page HTML code with the first "section" tags in place as they should be .... you'll need to look carefully in the page HTML to find these similarly formatted lines, usually always following the formatted scripts for navigation, etc.:
        <!-- google_ad_section_start --><font style="font-size:13px" color="#000000" face="Verdana">There are many living room decorating ideas available today. This enables people to decorate their living room as per their wish. When it comes to decorating their living room, people often tend to pick the latest trends. </font><!-- google_ad_section_end --></div>

        Not having used these myself, I am pretty sure this is how they should be placed.

        If not (and I tend to lean this way myself, not finding any real authoritive example to the contrary, and based "progressively" on how I have implemented other simple coding), then include them as bracketing inside the STYLES (Font) tags like this:
        <font style="font-size:13px" color="#000000" face="Verdana"><!-- google_ad_section_start -->There are many living room decorating ideas available today. This enables people to decorate their living room as per their wish. When it comes to decorating their living room, people often tend to pick the latest trends.<!-- google_ad_section_end --></font></div>

        Simply find each next section as they appear in the page's code to 'highlight' similarly with the Adsense Section Tags.
        Don't forget to properly configure your Title Tag in the Head of your page HTML: <head><title>Section targeting</title></head>

        You have multiple 'sections' of text on your Index page, which should compel you to create multiple sections for special AdSense priority. This is the whole point, to "highlight" specific Content to drive better suited AdSense presentations.

        * From what I have gathered, it is particularly more workable if you limit the number of sections created to correspond with the same number of META-rich Content sections: in other words, if you have one specially meaningful Keyword or Key Phrase woven into each page's Content, then you would be better off using only one AdSense Section for that page, thus generating a much greater emphasis and resultant relevancy overall .... which is the reasoning behind making sure each Content section gets tags, and in using the "weight:ignore" tags to properly elevate or diminish the Content along these lines. This logic fits with Google's newly announced method for refined SERP values of returning better results for pages using not the traditional 5-20 Keywords and/or phrases, but the newer focus using only one or two Keywords being 'uber-optimized' organically and the new emphasis put on depth of Content vs. Breadth (more specifically topiced and developed pages vs. too many topics not developed well).

        Hope you can use this advantageously!
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • Marincky

          • Apr 2006
          • 4539

          Re: Adsense Section Targeting

          Just to add... you only need to use the section targeting that Google provide if your site is not showing relevant Adsense. Looking at your site this morning, and presuming you haven't added the code yet, there doesn't appear to be any reason or benefit for you to do this on any of the pages I have looked at. I took a random selection of about 7 pages. Your adsense relevancy is very good to be honest. The section targeting is rarely used and those that use it often have poor content or mixed content that confuses Google into showing irrelevant ads.
          Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


          • dmx

            • Mar 2011
            • 4

            Re: Adsense Section Targeting

            Thank you guys for your help

            Vasili thank you very much for explaining this so well. The only thing now is to find out how to inset the code using bluevoda software. When I do a right click on the page and then page html I only got an option to insert the code inside the body tag, the beginning of the body and the end of the body. I can do that easy on my wordpress blogs but with bluevoda I’m a bit confuse. Should I insert the whole thing at the beginning of the body like this:

            <!-- google_ad_section_start -->There are many living room decorating ideas available today. This enables people to decorate their living room as per their wish. When it comes to decorating their living room, people often tend to pick the latest trends.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

            Marincky thanks man to taking your time and looking at my website. I’m glad to hear that you see relevant ads. The reason to do this is because I see 2 out of 4 ads in Spanish 1 relevant I the other one not so much. I assume that this is probably because I live in Spain now but I’m not really sure about it. I also have a website with absolutely the same design and colors, ok with a little bit more traffic but it’s making between 30-40 clicks a day compare to the other one with just 3 to 5 clicks a day. I’ll be really happy to hear your suggestion about should I use the section targeting?


            • Marincky

              • Apr 2006
              • 4539

              Re: Adsense Section Targeting

              Personally I would say still dont use it. You are seeing spanish adsense because of your location
              All looks good this end. I have been a very experienced and successful adsense publisher for many years now.
              Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


              • Vasili

                • Mar 2006
                • 14683

                Re: Adsense Section Targeting

                I too, agree that your site is not a suitable candidate for implementation of AdSense Section Targeting, even as clarified by Google (on the very page I provided you a link to) by stating that these tools are intended to help specify relevance for sites with very deep Content as a way to better emphasize relevancy, not as a means to artificially elevate thin and underdeveloped content (as your site has proven to have an average Content level and only basic META development): "In order to properly implement this feature, you'll need to include a significant amount of content within the section targeting tags. Including insufficient content may result in less relevant ads or PSAs. In addition, please keep in mind that this feature should only be used to emphasize significant sections of your site's relevant content."
                FYI Google is also very clear to warn that AdSense Section Targeting is not to be used on Blogs or CMS type websites!

                And, in what may also be another result of not careful reading, if you decide to implement this strategy despite current and properly perfoming AdSense relevancy and the fact your site is not truly "deep" in Content to fully benefit from the practice, you still cannot apply it from within Blue Voda as you keep asking --- it is something that must be done to page files, as stated in the first reply above: "You post it into your page code (which you can do by pasting the code into each BV page's code using the EDITOR tool in your Control Panel after opening the file as shown in your FILE MANAGER)"

                Bottom line is that your site is performing fine without the implementation, and your site with only average Content depth and underdeveloped META does not truly merit such an implementation at all. Don't bother using it!
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • navaldesign
                  General & Forum Moderator

                  • Oct 2005
                  • 12080

                  Re: Adsense Section Targeting

                  No need to use the Editor, the code can be added in the BV page either adding it in the Page HTML or even in a certain object HTML (in the Before Tag of an object, for the start, and in the After Tag of another object for the end)
                  The first method is best if the entire page "body" is to be used for targeting, the second instead is better to limit the content to be used for targeting.
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                  • Marincky

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 4539

                    Re: Adsense Section Targeting

                    One other thing...The most important thing that we all missed...

                    Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe all the content on your site is coped word for word from other sites.

                    If I am correct (and I am pretty sure I am) in my presumption then three things will occur here:

                    1) You will make far far less revenue from Adsense than you could be earning from a site like this.

                    2) You are heading for a ban from Google on your Adsense account as you are clearly breaking a major TOS. Once you lose this it is as good as impossible to reinstate.

                    3) You are heading for your site being banned off the search engines too.

                    I strongly suggest you come up with your own site content, it really isn't that difficult. Or may I suggest you pay someone to write your pages for you. There are plenty of people out there willing to do this for a one-off fee. Once paid for you can then earn it back + more from the extra revenue it will then bring i
                    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                    • dmx

                      • Mar 2011
                      • 4

                      Re: Adsense Section Targeting

                      Thank you very much guys for your advice. If all of you things that I don’t have to use it well then wont.

                      Marincky some of the articles have been copied from a few article directories and for some I paid for. For them ones that I have coped I’ve got a link back to the original source so I don’t think that’s a problem. Do you?


                      • Marincky

                        • Apr 2006
                        • 4539

                        Re: Adsense Section Targeting

                        Even if you have a link back to any articles used, or permission.. or both... The fact is that you will not be given any priority to your niche within the search engines. As your content is not unique this will ring alarm bells with Google and flag your site as non important. In fact their latest algorithyms include getting rid of a lot of sites that don't have any unique use of their own... You are just repeating what is already out there...

                        The other issue is that you are wasting a perfectly good idea that could be earning maybe three times a s much from the Adsense?... Maybe more?

                        You cannot make money by just coming up with a domain name, keywording it and copying articles. If you could I would be a multi millionaire by now. Trust me on this one... take your time, build good quality unique sites with many many pages, get the visitors in and then enjoy the rest of your life... But it may take you 5-6 years to get to that stage, don't expect it tomorrow..
                        Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

