Adding META Tags to My Site

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  • chrismunt
    • Sep 2024

    Adding META Tags to My Site

    I have been advised to implement the following, can you please explain how.

    1/Option 2: ADD Rel=canonical tag Step 1: Link Element on Index Page Add the below mentioned code to the head section of the index page of the website. <link rel="canonical" href=""/> Step 2: Link Element on internal pages Add the below mentioned code to the head section of the internal page of the website. For e.g. On the “Instructions” Page the code should be <link rel="canonical" href=""/> (Please create custom link element for each internal page of the website)

    2/ Website Audit of your HTML code has identified 33 Errors, 11 warning(s) on your website. The details of the error can be reviewed from the resource mentioned below: Notes and Potential Issues

    3/ Add A Meta Tag To Your Site's Home Page
    Please copy the meta tag below, and paste it into your site's home page. It should go in the <head> section, before the first <body> section.
    12 | P a g e
    <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="352244FD89A61AF7879D6CB3E427A040" /> The META tag must be within and near the beginning of the first <HEAD> section of the page, and before the first <BODY> section

    4/ Upload an HTML file to your server
    We recommend uploading the Yahoo verification file on the root folder of .
    The location of the verification file should be: To access the Yahoo verification file, “double click” on the object link below:

  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: adding codes to my website

    You are being advised to add redundant and archaic code to your website by someone using only some free analytical tools (that produce superficial and incomplete results) that focus on the Yahoo web model rather than the almighty Google model.

    The cannonical and validate META tags are no longer required (since 2010) if a valid XML Sitemap file has been created and properly installed upon the Domain Root Directory, notwithstanding the upgraded browser coding as released in Chrome, IE9, and Firefox12-14. The XML Sitemap file primarily responds to the Google Search Engine Algorithm anyway, with Yahoo, Alexa and the others following suit, so Item 3 in your list above is improperly suggested, for you should generate your XML Sitemap file in compliance with Google at this site >

    The mention of website errors is useless, again, being based on archaic and unnecessary Tag elements that the simplistic free online analytical tool generated. REAL analytics generated for optimization results can be available using professional tools that cost quite a bit, and these never focus on such moot "errors" that have nothing to do with performance of a site, only with how they score in comparison to a model that may or may not be preferred.
    1. BlueVoda is fully W3C compliant, and this free "validator" is only W2C HTML suggestive.
    2. Most all of the HTML Markup errors are due to you using improper spacing or symbols, and has nothing to do with the HTML that BlueVoda generated for you.
    3. The DOCTYPE error is incorrect: the declaration tag written by BlueVoda properly states DOCTYPE and also allows IE8-9 the ability to skip the PNGfix issue altogether.
    You need to know a lot more about current SEO to know what is important and what obviously is being created upon outdated models and need not apply (as is the suggestion to add to each page a link heirarchy, which is already present if you have a link to your 'Home' page included in your navigational scheme, as well as superceded by the inclusion of all navigation in your XML Sitemap file ... this is the most obvious flaw in these suggestion). This should underscore the obvious ill-prepared advisement premises as to question if not ignore entirely.

    The type of site with the specific Content you are attempting to promote via optimization methodology is literally one in tens of millions, and even if you had been advised to implement methods that are both current and proper, they would not measurably have much effect to elevate any SERP position for this genre of site. In my opinion, not only are you listening to the wrong SEO advice, you are holding onto unrealistic expectations.

    However, just as you have been instructed before in a previous thread, you can add META Tags and other pertinent HTML to your pages via the simple PAGE HTML Dialog in BlueVoda:
    * Right-Click on your BlueVoda page to reveal > PAGE HTML ... click on PAGE HTML to reveal the Dialog which shows various Tabs where you can paste in your code for proper and specific placement (Start of Page, Beginning of Head, End of Body, etc.).
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

