I am a total idiot with a computer, and it mystifies my mind how I actually got this far with my webpage. It is published but not search engine friendly by the look of it.
I did follow another thread, but made no sense of it. By the drift of that it looks like I must set headlines to name but one and that is the crunch - how to do it?. I have no idea what a html is, or how to go about it. At my age one does not take to technology kindly...
My webpage do have some errors that I will fix soon (some pages are still untitled and keyword problems)
Due to my "computer handicap" I tried to kept my site as simple and informative as possible and are open for suggestions.
Can anyone out there help me please?
I did follow another thread, but made no sense of it. By the drift of that it looks like I must set headlines to name but one and that is the crunch - how to do it?. I have no idea what a html is, or how to go about it. At my age one does not take to technology kindly...
My webpage do have some errors that I will fix soon (some pages are still untitled and keyword problems)
Due to my "computer handicap" I tried to kept my site as simple and informative as possible and are open for suggestions.
Can anyone out there help me please?