1 What does FTP stand for ?
2 What is blog ?
3 What is a site map and do I need one ?
4 Think I've sorted my descriptions, metatags etc. Getting ready to request a ticket to submit to search engines. Should I sort Blog, site maps, robots out before I request submission ?
created robot text as follows - do I upload this via the FTP thing in it's entirety ?
# Robots.txt file created by http://www.webtoolcentral.com
# For domain: http://www.loftandfound.co.uk
# All robots will spider the domain
User-agent: *
presumably the # means to ignore the text which follows ?
So is there any benefit to this, and what's the point of disallowing certain search engines ?
2 What is blog ?
3 What is a site map and do I need one ?
4 Think I've sorted my descriptions, metatags etc. Getting ready to request a ticket to submit to search engines. Should I sort Blog, site maps, robots out before I request submission ?
created robot text as follows - do I upload this via the FTP thing in it's entirety ?
# Robots.txt file created by http://www.webtoolcentral.com
# For domain: http://www.loftandfound.co.uk
# All robots will spider the domain
User-agent: *
presumably the # means to ignore the text which follows ?
So is there any benefit to this, and what's the point of disallowing certain search engines ?