guys i have found a new news ..that google buys ON2 . basically it offers video compression technology that's used, in Adobe's Flash software and other video site. it provides a software used to encode video so it's compact enough to squeeze down a narrow Internet pipe, then to expand it at the other end.
And it is very beneficial in the case of online watching video.
so guys i think that in few days we can expect some new features from google .
What say?
well the news resource from: news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10303488-93.html?tag=mncol;posts
guys i have found a new news ..that google buys ON2 . basically it offers video compression technology that's used, in Adobe's Flash software and other video site. it provides a software used to encode video so it's compact enough to squeeze down a narrow Internet pipe, then to expand it at the other end.
And it is very beneficial in the case of online watching video.
so guys i think that in few days we can expect some new features from google .
What say?
well the news resource from: news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10303488-93.html?tag=mncol;posts