Hello! I have read numerous threads, yet none answer my curiosity so far.
Is this a good example of the content for a robots.txt file for pages I do not care to have the bots crawl?
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# Exclude Files From All Robots:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /110_general_managers_statement.html
Disallow: /120_terms_and_conditions.html
# End robots.txt file
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I did not place all the pages at this time. I have about 27 pages that I do not wish to be crawled simply because they are not important.
I wish only to make a sitemap.xml file for my main pages and list every other page that is not on my sitemap.
Is this normal to put all pages listed in the /public_html folder into either the sitemp.xml or the robots.txt so they are all accounted for?
Additionally, I understand that .swf, .jpg, mp3, and other files similar to these are not crawled by the bots even though they are in the /public_html folder?, yes?
Thank you kindly,
Is this a good example of the content for a robots.txt file for pages I do not care to have the bots crawl?
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# Exclude Files From All Robots:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /110_general_managers_statement.html
Disallow: /120_terms_and_conditions.html
# End robots.txt file
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I did not place all the pages at this time. I have about 27 pages that I do not wish to be crawled simply because they are not important.
I wish only to make a sitemap.xml file for my main pages and list every other page that is not on my sitemap.
Is this normal to put all pages listed in the /public_html folder into either the sitemp.xml or the robots.txt so they are all accounted for?
Additionally, I understand that .swf, .jpg, mp3, and other files similar to these are not crawled by the bots even though they are in the /public_html folder?, yes?
Thank you kindly,