SEO Page Naming

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  • N.B.M.
    Private First Class

    • May 2008
    • 7

    SEO Page Naming

    Hi I don't have a problem with my website as such, but I have been interested to read VH tips on SEO. However, I have to say I'm a tad confused. How to name pages says, 'keep your names as short as possible. Latest advice says, 'The more words you use the better.' How says, 'Join words together with underscores.' Lastest advice shows hyphens. Before I re-name my pages could you clarify please ? Neil
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: SEO Page Naming

    The underscore ("_"), hyphen ("-"), and the spacebar ("|") are traditionally scored as "nil" characters by the Search Engines as they are not associated with any commands or functions in general computer or web use, and are thus satisfactory "placeholders" when spaces are not permitted (although the spacebar "|" should never be used for Page Names, only Page Titles where text is normally formatted).

    The hyphen ("-") is a natural compositional device that emphasizes an association or relationship between the words on either side of the hyphen itself and when used in titles, names, or other significant roles in website building will suggest this "higher value" to the Search Engines (often also as a means to introduce Key "phrases") as they create baseline references and METRICS.

    When used in Page Names, hyphens offer a more pronounced manner in which to declare importance and relevance if they mainatin a strict measure of reflection to page Content and mirrored instances both vertically and horizontally on Page Construct.

    Shorter Page Names are preferred, as this forces them to be more focused on true, naturally composed relevancy to the Page Content (hopefully), and when using hypens as a means to cleverly weave in Key Phrases, the limits of naturally composed words seems to dictate using no more than 2-3 words that are strongly related, if not entirely anchored. This is supported by the fact Google released a tool to specifically shorten hyperlinks (which use complete page names as core foundation) for optimal performance without affecting Content or Relevance METRIC Valuations.

    * However, on your site which is lacking a global non-dynamic Navigational scheme, any "suggested" reference to relevancy between the URL (which displays the Page Name using the hyphen or underscore), the Hyperlinks (which again repeat the Page Names as part of their construct), the simpla META entries (Keywords, Description, etc.), Page Title (which typically uses 2-3 anchored Keywords), and Page Content is moot and is not really a concern with regard to any real SEO strategy.

    You need to refine your Page Content to be minimally complying (a minimum of 250 words per page anchoring your Keywords, and 750-100 words max -- especially on your Index page which barely has any Content on it!) and to install a globally present navigational scheme (a Menu) to make such myopic concern for Page Naming to make real sense within the framework perspective of continuity and demonstrable relevancy.

    IMO, of course.
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • N.B.M.
      Private First Class

      • May 2008
      • 7

      Re: SEO Page Naming

      Many thanks for your help in my quest to understand SEO. I have recently received the following from a company trying to sell me their website building skills in my industry. Do you think there could be any truth in their claim ?

      Main Feature

      Website ranked on page 1 of Google
      The website we build you will be fully optimised and ranked on the first page of Google.... Guaranteed! Not only will the website be ranked on the first page, but it will be ranked there organically! The website will never drop off page one as organic listings are permanent!

      Along with being organically listed on page 1 of Google, we will optimise a free map listing for you, so your company will be dominating the first page.



      • Vasili

        • Mar 2006
        • 14683

        Re: SEO Page Naming

        Seriously? Sounds like a self-taught "webbie" that has too much confidence in mastering rudimentary concepts to me! Promising perpetual first position ... this person has obviously read some of my words and from select others (we all use CopyScape to figure out who is plagairizing us) very carefully to zero in on key concepts, but when pressed cannot truly define a sustainable method!

        Even in my primer PDF on Black Hat SEO Methods To Avoid, I allude to outlandish promises without credible means to accomplish what is being "sold" as a preface to explain why Black Hat SEO methods emerged and how they are still being applied to client sites unbeknownst to them to attain these dramatic (but temporary) results initially.
        The above pitch being offered is tell-tale, and should be the first indication of unprofessionalism: no one can guarantee postion (despite an average of past performance), nor should anyone promise to deliver incredible results outside a long-term sustained program, 'organic,' 'ethical,' be it baseline-responsive or not!

        You should review my PDF with 20 Question To Ask a Potential SEO Provider to nail down the facts to either allow you the distinction of choosing a real professional rather than a hack at home or to determine the real extent of a solid SEO program to develop. A real SEO Pro will welcome such insightful questions, and treat them as an invitation to brag a bit about the certifications and technologies they expertly use ... sometimes it is the only way to explain how SEO is so much more than clever thinking and using "free web tools"! Also, be careful to stay away from those who 'specialize' in smaller sites or offer "value" fees (indicates they prey upon the small guy) or offer past clients of those smaller sites that perform well on local hubs but not freely on the Net as a whole.

        There are less than a dozen real SEO service providers that I would recommend (other than myself), each with the certification, equipment, affiliations, portfolio of recognized clients (for instance, I myself have done SEO for the NFL Alumni, Florida Panthers, Houston Rockets, CSX Railways, SOI, many Universities and Colleges, to mention only a few), and expertise to answer the questions I outline and who can explain how they each make a difference with their approach using the methods inquired about.

        * Back to your site, Neil .... quite frankly, if you came to me looking for SEO services, I'd have to turn you away.
        Your site is far too under-developed, un-planned, and is not formatted properly to even hope any real optimization could be applied with a positive result. You simply do not have the Content (nor is it formatted properly) and your site design is poorly prepared to satisfactorily perfom for Visitors ... IMO. It would cost you too much to have me or a similarly capable professional upgrade/"convert" it to an optimally performing website, using BlueVoda or not.
        Were I in a position to suggest a feasible solution (which will keep more of your money in your pocket and the smile on your face), I would enlighten you to the benefits of using Wordpress as a foundation with all the built-in SEO features and the ability to present your material in a manner to make it easier to update and develop within a sense of continuity.
        Personally, that is.
        You need to nail the basics as easily as possible, for I get the impression this has proven to be too much of a task to begin with, otherwise your initial site design would demonstrate a more comprehensive layout that works even if published with a minimum, especially if you intend it to be a multi-device destination site. And, Wordpress is something that can be easily migrated to another hosting environment (if needed), and has all the plugin's available to add to the overall functionality throughout your website evolution.
        . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
        * Success Is Potential Realized *


        • N.B.M.
          Private First Class

          • May 2008
          • 7

          Re: SEO Page Naming

          Many thanks Vasili for your help and your comments on my website, it is much appreciated. However, you do not have the full picture which is purely my fault. is nothing more than an experiment. I have no need to make money from it. I am a Driving Instructor that has a hobby of shooting aerial photos of junctions and roundabouts. The website is just to say I've got one. The reason I am trying to learn more about SEO is for my other add on sites from whereitis, these are and They are Ebooks. It is these two sites that I would like to leap to the fore when people tap in the relevant search words, not for the purpose of selling the few hard copies I produce, but rather just for the viewers convenience. If you have time, I would really appreciate it if you could have a look at them and critique them with a view of SEO for the viewers convenience. For instance, when I search google with, 'History of Watchfield,' I don't rank anywhere at the moment. It's that I'm trying to fix.

          Regards Neil

